// Resume of Fails

I’ve done a lot of things well, but also a lot of things not so well. Here is a list of all my fails, inspired by Johannes Haushofer’s CV of Failures:


2021-2023: Picked up $20,000 of crypto / came away with $10,000  🙃

2017: Commissioned a series of articles for $2,800 then never used them

2016-2019: Took on business partners that I later had to divorce

2016: Had to bring $14,000 to the table just to sell our first house

2013-2016: Lost over $90,000 due to cash flow issues

2013: Invested $6,000 into a friend’s company and lost it

2012: Invested $10,000 in another friend’s company and lost over half of it

2010-2013: Launched a number of websites that never panned out, despite how cleverly I named them! ;)

  • TakeOurStuff.com – a site where every week we gave away something cool
  • BlogSexier.com – A blog on how to blog better
  • GiveawaysAreSexy.com – A blog all about giveaways (sensing a theme?)

1997-present: Imposter Syndrome

Awards I did not win:

3rd Annual Plutus Awards: “Best Single-Author Personal Finance Blog”

4th Annual Plutus Awards: “Blog of The Year”

6th Annual Plutus Awards: “Lifetime Achievement”

6th Annual Plutus Awards: “Best Collaborative Project for Personal Finance”


// Last updated 3/10/23