Allowances & Ear Candy 🍭

chore chart


Hope your summers are still treating you well! Can you believe all our kids will be back in school and summer will be over in a matter of weeks??

This will be the first time in 11 years that NONE of my boys will be at home as they’re all school aged now, and I’ll have way more free time than I’ll know what to do with… Exciting and sad at the same time! My squishy babies aren’t squishy babies anymore! :(

On the plus side – FALL IS COMING!! YUM! 🍂☕️🪵

And speaking of kids, I dropped my latest post on the blog this week and it’s all around trying to satisfy their “need” of having extra money to spend… Experiment #1 didn’t work too well, so we’ve now moved onto Experiment #2 ;)

You can read more about it here: No go for the poop!

I also recently went on a fun podcast w/ Captain Fi – an up and coming blogger/podcaster from Australia! – and you can catch our chat here –> Podcast | JMoney from Budgets are Sexy (I reveal a fun new side project on it!)

Stay cool out there!

j money signature


Articles I enjoyed the past couple of weeks:

The Past is Not True @ Sivers — “We think of the past like it’s a physical fact – like it’s real. But the past is what we call our memory and stories about it. Imperfect memories, and stories built on one interpretation of incomplete information. That’s “the past”.”

A Well Known Stranger @ Happily Disengaged — “I realize I’m saving money for someone else. I’m not saving money for me. I’m saving it for a person I will never know. A person I dream about and think about quite often, yet is just out of reach like a carrot dangling from a stick… This person I’m working so hard for is a sci-fi parallel world alter ego version of myself.”

Rich and Anonymous @ Collab Fund — “I once did some consulting for a family that was worth $8 billion. If you Googled their name, nothing came up. No Forbes list, no gala photos, no profiles, no Wikipedia pages … nothing… They figured out what so many other people – the rich, the middle class, the aspiring rich, and everyone in between – failed to recognize. They lived the most amazing life you could imagine, and they had virtually no social debt.”

The Return on Hassle Spectrum @ Of Dollars and Data — “Return on hassle is the idea that you need to consider the time and work associated with an investment in addition to its expected return. In the case of real estate investors, you have to factor in the mental and physical work associated with finding tenants, maintaining your properties, and taking on debt, among other things. These are all “hassles” that most traditional investments (i.e. stocks, bonds, etc.) don’t require.”

The Tightrope of Discipline @ More To That — “Ambition has its merits and pitfalls, but the key thing to consider is the texture of restlessness that accompanies it. If your mind is constantly occupied by what you have to do next, then you are always living for some imagined state.”

What to Know About Baby Carrots @ Food Network — A Twitter* friend shared this with me when I told the world I’m on a mission to eat an ENTIRE BAG OF BABY CARROTS before they expire – a feat never before been done 😂 This article goes into the history of them and it’s fascinating!! They certainly don’t grow that way!

*I mean X?

12 Things That Look Less Impressive the Older You Get @ No Sidebar — “I used to admire people with luxuries. Now I admire people with inner peace.”


What I’m currently reading:

The Price of Liberty: The Public Debt of the American Revolution by William G. Anderson. I recently picked up a certificate from these revolutionary debt days, and found out this book not only lists a description of it in there (it’s from 1783!!), but also tells the backstory which is simply amazing… We were in SO. MUCH. DEBT. as a nation when we got started, but we climbed out of it to become a major force to reckon with! Even though we’re back to being indebted again, lol… Fun book for all you money/history nerds out there (though it’s rare and will cost you upwards of $100 for it)



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