pacman food

The time will pass anyway

| February 7th, 2020

Morning! So I don’t usually do this, but I have a friend who’s suffering from something pretty scary right now (“Complex Regional Pain Syndrome” aka “The Suicide Disease”) and if you wouldn’t mind...

money shock

Index and Chill

| January 17th, 2020

Happy Friday! Hope you ended the week richer and happier ;) Lots of juicy stuff on the blog and around the web this week, so let’s get to it! ****** Articles from the blog: It’s official – I’m a Minivan Dad!! — And boy,...

magic book

How To Go Deeper In 2020

| January 10th, 2020

Hey friends! How are those 409s doing? ;) Lots of great and inspiring stuff out there this year so far, and as always you’ll find my own personal favorites shared below… Keep trackin’ and stackin’! ****** Favorite...

fantasy cat

Will this $1,000 matter when I’m retired?

| December 20th, 2019

Hi all! Hope you’re ready for a fun, holiday-filled week ahead! The one time of the year you’re allowed to NOT think about money at all and just BE :) So no newsletter next week as I do exactly that, but before we venture off...


Inhale confidence, exhale doubt

| December 13th, 2019

Good morning! Here is your weekly update with all things of the utmost importance ;) If I haven’t told you so lately, thanks for being a part of the community! Would love to hear more about what you’ve been getting into over...