Inhale confidence, exhale doubt
Good morning!
Here is your weekly update with all things of the utmost importance ;)
If I haven’t told you so lately, thanks for being a part of the community!
Would love to hear more about what you’ve been getting into over there? All things good in money land? Love? Happiness? Anything juicy happen lately?
Shoot me a note and let me know!
Articles from Budgets Are Sexy this week:
“Inhale confidence, exhale doubt”” — A great line to repeat any time you’re in need of a boost ;)
Hidden Investment Opportunities in Mobile Homes — An overlooked space of the real estate industry prime for the picking!! My long time internet friend Rachel Hernandez (aka Mobile Home Gurl) stops by the blog to share the ins and outs of the niche, and why it’s a great opportunity to consider.
Our new couch battle – am I in the wrong? — Where I battle with Ashley HomeStore for not giving us our ottoman we thought we had paid for… A perfect read if you enjoy getting fired up by crappy customer service ;)
Rescued these books from Goodwill… Want them? :) — Two more days left to enter one of these books: “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up”, “The Automatic Millionaire,” and “The Four Tendencies” by Gretchen Rubin.
#Overheard at the coffee shop – Volume VII — Did I catch you this month? ;)
Articles from around the web I liked:
Overcoming Your Demons by Morgan Housel — “About 20% of kids stutter. Most outgrow it by age 5. About 1% still stutter by age 10. A lucky 0.1% stutter into adulthood, with some small fraction of that being chronic enough to affect their daily life. I’m one of them… Maybe you’ve noticed, maybe you haven’t. But I want to tell my story, because it ends well.”
Changing My Attitude… Changed My Life! by 5 A.M. Joel — “Instead of walking out the door, I went straight to the bar and ordered two pints of Guinness. One for me, and the other for… well, me. I returned to my table of friends and announced that I was there to have a good time, and I am no longer in a bad mood! They all cheered! And then an angel appeared…”
Twitter has to figure out what to do with dead people by MIT Technology Review — “Twitter said it would shut down any account that hasn’t logged in for six months, starting from December 11. It wasn’t ready for the backlash.”
Put Harriet Tubman on a New $25 Bill by National Review — “The exciting and powerful film Harriet, on screens now, should earn its heroine a well-deserved platform on which everyone can see her: a new $25 bill. Harriet Tubman escaped slavery in Maryland, fled north 100 miles to Philadelphia, and began life as a free woman in 1849. But she didn’t sit still…”
I’m Honestly Fed Up With All The Bad News, So I Illustrated 50 of The Best Ones From 2019 by Bored Panda — “We are often bombarded with fear-mongering and shocking headlines that make us feel that the world is falling apart. However, while it’s important to report on problems and issues, I believe there is so much good in this world that it needs to be found and promoted just as widely. Because of that, I started The Happy Broadcast. It’s an anti-venom to the vitriolic rhetoric that pervades our media.”
And lastly, always remember…

Enjoy the ride ;)
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