skittles heart

The only thing that matters is how much you love.

| November 17th, 2023

Good morning, friends! Hope y’all have some fun Thanksgiving plans coming up! We’re doing our usual double Turkey celebration (first half of the day going to my family’s gathering, the second half my wife’s), which...

soccer ball

Cascading Actions (And Watching For Hints)

| October 21st, 2023

Good morning! I’ve been thinking a lot about my health journey lately and all the events that have led up to it, and I’ve found it’s all come together rather interestingly. It started with a friend convincing me to start...

namaste gif

Tomorrow is gross.

| October 6th, 2023

Good morning!! Lot’s of wonderful beautiful things to share with you today! #1. I’m giving out a bunch of new $$$ books on the blog!! Covering everything from savings tips to hustling hacks to making yourself rich to my...

coin rolls in safe

Fake Coins & Juicing Adventures

| September 22nd, 2023

Good morning fiscal friends!! Been a fun couple of weeks over here… First, I find a handful of rolled coins in my safe that I had long forgotten about (!!), and then I use said rolls (+ $100 more) to pick up a new long board to add...

Life Hacks & Pokémon Surprises

| September 8th, 2023

Morning! If you’re reading this right now, it means I have Covid. On the plus side, I’ve had nothing but time to read and write and think so there’s lots of great articles for you to gander down below 😁 I’m also...