Mystery Coins and Tesla Trash Cans

1700s mystery coin

Good morning, coin lovers!!

Especially those coin *collecting* lovers! ;)

I just got a new collection to inventory and evaluate (WOO!!!), and inside it I found that bad boy above just waiting to be brought into the light of day again. After 300 years of being passed around – and through some pretty TOUGH times from the looks of it! – it’s now settled at the bottom of an old raggedy bag just wishing it could be useful again, womp womp…

And unfortunately, just like modern coinage it probably never will be 😢

But… At least for today, we can show it some love by clicking over to my coin collecting blog to learn all about it!! That’s right – I have a coin collecting blog too!

Fun Fact: The more you click the happier the coin gets!

Fun Fact II: If you have any coins yourself that you’d like to learn more about and/or sell, I offer coin evaluation services so just give me a shout and I’d be honored to serve you too. 🙌

retirement beach

In other news, I have two new blog posts on BudgetsAreSexy! I’ve been a writing machine!! ;)

The first was pulled from a recent interview I did on early retirement – and specifically on what to watch out for before jumping in – and the other is a new giveaway going on right now of a gaggle of new money books that have recently hit the shelves…

You can find both new blog posts here:

3 Things You Should Never Do in Retirement

6 New Books on The Scene! [GIVEAWAY]

And as always, you can scroll below for some other great articles I’ve found around the community lately! Thanks so much for being here all these years! 🖤

I launched this newsletter back in November of 2018, and it’s been a fun outlet and extra way for me to connect with y’all so hopefully you’ve been enjoying it just the same :) And if not, all you gotta do is click that “unsubscribe” button at the bottom of these notes! I won’t hate you too much for it!

See ya back here again soon,

j money signature


Favorite reads around the web:

project skydrop gold treasure — “Project Skydrop is a real-world treasure hunt. A precious object, made of 10 troy ounces of 24K pure gold, has been placed somewhere in a circle that starts out 500 miles in diameter. Over the course of three weeks, that circle shrinks day-by-day. At the end of the hunt, the circle will shrink down to a single foot, pinpointing the exact treasure location.” [It just launched YESTERDAY and ends on October 10th!! So lots of time to enter if you’re interested!! I want to hear all about it if you do, please! :)]

The Anonymous and VERY happy $500 Million Man via Noah Kagan — “Last week, I met someone with a net worth of $100m in cash. He has 0 social media, and you wouldn’t recognize him on the streets… That’s the fascinating part about wealth, most of our stories and judgments about it are wrong.”

How to Track Your Net Worth (ft. my FREE Net Worth Tracker) via Of Dollars and Data — “Do you know your net worth? How often do you check it? If you have found it difficult to track your net worth over time or you don’t track it at all, then this post is for you.”

The Best Interest Rates on Cash via My Money Blog — “Here’s my monthly roundup of the best interest rates on cash as of September 2024, roughly sorted from shortest to longest maturities. There are lesser-known opportunities available to individual investors, often earning more money while keeping the same level of safety by moving to another FDIC-insured bank or NCUA-insured credit union”

My Barista FIRE Net Worth Reveal: How Much I Had When I Semi-Retired at 36 (And Now) via Julie B. Rose — “I’ve been a travel, finance, and nomadic lifestyle blogger for YEARS, but I’ve never publicly or broadly revealed (only alluded to) my early retirement / Barista FIRE numbers. While withholding this over the years may have protected me from ill-intentioned suitors looking to take advantage, I realize it may have erstwhile been a disservice to some of my readers.”

What could be the world’s most expensive coin collection is going up for auction — after being banned from sale for a century via CNN — “People who are exclusively devoted to their business make a great mistake. I, for one, could never imagine thinking about nothing but butter until my dying days.”

Financial Confidence is the New Financial Independence via Retire Before Dad — “While financial independence remains a desirable goal, it can seem distant or unattainable for many. It can also be elusive and come and go as the market fluctuates. On the other hand, financial confidence is an achievable state of mind for anyone willing to learn, implement best practices, and continuously refine their knowledge.”

Stop Protecting Your Old Self (The Real Root of Procrastination) via Darius Foroux — “I have often wondered how it is that every man loves himself more than all the rest of men, but yet sets less value on his own opinion of himself than on the opinion of others.”- Marcus Aurelius

Time Is Precious: Rekindling Relationships Is Now a #1 Priority via Route To Retire — “You can’t stop the bad things from happening to those you care about. It’s pretty straightforward – the longer you live, the more you’ll start to see others you’re close with start to disappear. That’s the circle of life and you can’t prevent it. What you can do though is regroup more often with those people you care about by working on rekindling relationships.”


Clips that got me thinking:

gallop poll best investments

“Each year since 2011, Gallup has asked people what they think is the best long-term investment. After a brief love affair with gold, real estate has been in the top spot every year since 2013. Stocks are a distant second.” – A Wealth of Common Sense


“Goodbye, physical US savings bonds! Per this TreasuryDirect announcement, the US Treasury will no longer allow to you to buy an additional $5,000 in paper Series I savings bonds each year with your tax refund, effective January 1st, 2025. (If you haven’t filed your 2023 Tax Year returns, you can still get them with your late filing by October 15, 2024 using IRS Form 8888.)” – My Money Blog


“Legacies are overrated. Don’t believe me? Ask the Sumerians. They lived in what is now Iraq between 4100 and 1750 BCE. Sumerian accomplishments include but are not limited to Developing one of the world’s first writing systems, Inventing the wheel, Urbanization, Building massive Temples, and developing Mathematics, Astronomy, and Legal Codes. I defy you to find more than one in a thousand people who could give you a detailed description of this great civilization… Keep this in perspective, and for God’s sake, stop taking yourself so seriously!!!!!” – A Teachable Moment


“The purpose of a gift is to show love. Once a gift has been given, its purpose has been served.  In a healthy relationship, holding on to that item doesn’t make you any closer to or loved by the giver. Your relationship with a person is not held in a physical possession. Nor is it strengthened if you begrudgingly hold on to the no-longer-needed things they’ve given you.” – Rich In What Matters


“Personal finance experts hate debt. I don’t share that view. I’m not of the opinion that every big purchase in your life has to be made with cash. Debt in and of itself is not bad. Debt is like a hammer. It can be used to both build and destroy. The intelligent use of debt has brought far more flexibility to my financial life.” – A Wealth of Common Sense


“How would you change your life if you knew you had just a year or two to live? I’m getting the chance to answer that question, and I consider it a great privilege.” – Humble Dollar


Pic of the week ;)

tesla trash can

[Me neither, Gordon… Me neither..]


Happy Weekend 🙌


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