A New Job + Mobile Homes on The Beach 🏄

sunrise obx

Good morning!!

So here’s some big news: I just got myself a new job! Well, kinda sorta but not really – more like a fun side hustle ;) But why now when I’m technically “retired?” Check out my new blog post to find out!

Did I Just Get Myself a New Job?

(You’ll appreciate this one if you’re into board games)

In other news: I’ve had to go in for another round of infusions for my disease, but thankfully this time around we knew what to do and quickly implemented it so I can get back to the hilariously awesome (and handsome) gentleman you all know as J. Money :) And I’m already feeling better from it! Let’s just hope this time around it lasts *years* and not *months*, ugh…

At any rate, hope your Summer is shaping up nicely! That pic up top is the sun rising over the Outer Banks, NC we just came back from. Lots of swimming and surfing (and falling! lol) and spending quality time with the fam… I could honestly live there if I was forced to. There’s a mobile home park RIGHT ON THE BEACH which I’m sure is still hella expensive, but you’d get your minimalist life AND surf life combo right there in the same spot… Gosh that would be sweet.

Anyways, happy Friday :)

j money signature

PS: My favorite reads from around the community lately:

This passage from Lawrence Yeo‘s latest article also had me thinking for a while… So true how we show our different “selves” depending on who’s around!

“Whenever we interact with someone – whether in-person or online – a gap emerges between who you are, and who you are presenting. This is why the person you are with your boss isn’t the same as the person on the couch watching Netflix. Or why the person you are with your best friend isn’t the same as the person you are with an acquaintance. Each relationship contains a culture of behavior that you oscillate between, which means that you’re constantly presenting a different version of yourself across a wide range of interactions. What this means is that it becomes increasingly difficult to know who you really are.”


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