You can do anything temporarily

meditation yoga pose

Hope you’re well (and sane) over there! We started back school this week and wow was it something, lol… Ironically the hardest part wasn’t the schooling itself (it’s 100% virtual), but the realization that my 2 year old now needs one-on-one attention since his older buddies are no longer around to play anymore! Which is v. hard to do when you’re teaching and working at the same time!

But as Morgan Housel shares in one of my favorite reads this week – there are many forms of wealth, and the simple fact we’re all at home together – and safe! – are two major blessings to work on focusing on…While also keeping in mind that it’s all just temporary. And you can do ANYTHING temporarily, right??! (RIGHT??)

So no big projects going on over here at the moment, but I did manage to still add a new apparel line to PF Swagger as well as a SUPER fun interview of one of my favorite movements out there, so those features, as well as a bunch of other great reads I came across this week, are pasted below.

Here’s to staying afloat!

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george acheampong muscles

Alternative Forms of Wealth via Collaborative Fund — “You’re wealthy if… You have a level of independence that goes beyond money. You can cook for yourself, do your own laundry, change a flat tire, and be alone without getting bored.”

Thoughts on Turning 70 by Arianna Huffington — “We all know what matters in life — so why do we wait to act on it”

Vending Machines For The Homeless (Video) via @RexChapman — “In the UK, these vending machines have water, fruit and other basic items for the homeless to use access for free.”

How My Grandfather Saved Money via Your Margin Matters — “At the end of each day, Grandpa would toss any loose bills or change into the can. When he had enough, he would seal the top of the can and hand the entire thing over to the land owner – purchasing one parcel at a time.”

GaryVee Is Still Preaching the Hustle Gospel in the Middle of a Pandemic via Marker — “His message is what so many desperate people want to hear right now. It’s also dangerous.”

Buying Coffee Is My New Charitable Cause via Impersonal Finances — “Paying for a daily coffee habit is a go-to spend shaming exercise for many a mainstream personal financier. But during the COVID-19 pandemic, I’ve viewed this budgeting item in a different light.”


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