You Exist; Therefore, You’re Awesome.

awesome cat

G’afternoon friends!!

Hope you’re having a good start to the almost-weekend! :) Lots of great reads to share with you today, but before we get to those I just wanted to THANK YOU for all the kind words and encouragement this week. The launch of All-Star went off really well, and it’s been great to have something to be excited about again!

So thank you!! And if you missed it, you can learn more about the new site on this interview I just did with the other J from Budgets Are Sexy:

J. Money Is Alive!And He Launched a New Curation Site… All-Star Money!

We also cover:

  • How semi-retirement has been
  • Whether I miss blogging or not
  • The state of the personal finance blogosphere
  • My current net worth (!)
  • And a bunch of new habits I picked up in my ever persistent quest of self-improvement :) Like cutting down my coffee intake to only *one* cup a day! (Gasp!)

If you’ve missed me around these parts, I think you’ll enjoy it :) I tried to be as raw as possible…

In other news, I’ve added up some more collections to PF Swagger! My curation site of the best *merch* in personal finance, lol… (Are you sensing a theme yet??)

If you’re ever in the need for kick ass shirts or stickers that show off your love of finance, I hope you’ll check it out and support the small businesses in our community 🙏 🙏

Here are some of the latest additions:

investing latina swag

FIRE swag

personal finance stickers

And those are all my updates! If anything new or exciting is going down in your world, hit reply as I’d love to hear about it!

In the meantime, below are my favorite reads I’ve come across lately, both financial and otherwise. Hopefully you find a gem or two that inspires you :)

Your online fiend forever,

j money signature


Favorite articles around the web:

The Joy of a Legacy Letter via Humble Dollar — “A couple of times a year, I reread Mom’s legacy letter, written 14 years ago. Her wisdom and advice still speak to me today. How many times do you think I have revisited my mother’s legal will? Never.”

How I Get Paid to Drink Coffee! via Studenomics — “My goal in life is to get paid to drink coffee and I found a way to make this happen. I recently launched a coffee crawl as an official experience on the Airbnb platform. Tourists (and anyone in general) can sign up to do my coffee tour to drink coffee with me at unique shops in my community.”

Dear Daughter, Don’t be a Fruit Cup Girl via New Orleans Mom — “My mom wanted her three girls to be independent, confident, and definitely not reliant on good ‘ol Johnny to open our fruit cup. Fruit Cup Girl became an adjective in our house growing up. She would call us out for not stepping up to the plate. Helplessness was not allowed. The simple line, “Don’t be a fruit cup girl,” is what she would say.”

Souvenir Yourself via Medium — “This post is intended to advise those shopping for themselves while traveling and is comprised of examples that make me smile and remember a fun adventure or locale when I encounter them. They are all designed to fit any budget, and ultimately act as a form of sustainability. ”

And then lastly, and don’t ever forget it…

“You don’t need to do anything at all – not today, not next year, not in your lifetime – in order to have value as a human being. You’re amazing and worthy simply because you’re here.” – Financial Superstar


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*Cat doodle up top by cundrastudio