Happy Summer! I’m Still Alive! 😎

skull mohawk

Lots of pool action and volunteering going on over here, but I’ve finally snuck away to the coffee shop to share some thoughts so if you’ve missed me, check it out – a new blog post!

What’s Worse?
Losing a job that pays less but you live on less – OR – Losing a job that pays great but you spend a lot?!

It’s an interesting thing to think about, and a great reminder that it’s not just INCOME that matters with our finances, but also EXPENSES. And perhaps even more so, because after all, the less you need to live on the less you need to make! And quicker to FIRE!! 🔥

So yeah, check out over the weekend as you’re hopefully laying at the beach or pool or at least doing something super fun to celebrate the season :) I also talk about my volunteering adventures and how one of the most valuable commodities at the homeless shelter are BELTS of all things!

Hope you’re well,

j money signature

PS: Other articles I’ve been enjoying around the web recently…

  • These favorite airport tricks from Chris Guillebeau (especially the hotel shuttles one!! Genius)
  • The $1 million shot that changed sports contests forever
  • This Villian Test by Collab Fund – “Would a ‘villain’ invest in this company if their motive was one of pure self­-interest?”
  • This piece on Judas Iscariot that cracked me up 😂 – “My man literally sold the Son of God for an Uber from JFK to Manhattan during rush hour traffic. So yeah, Judas’s deal was pretty bad. But at least he didn’t spend $300,000,000 on two Papa John’s pizzas.”
  • This visit to the City of The Future by Mr. Money Mustache
  • These lessons from Ryan Holiday on running a bookstore (PS: It’s about so much more than just books)
  • This tip on how to instantly increase your credit score
  • And then lastly, this unspoken financial cost of early retirement (so true)

PPS: Two books I’ve enjoyed reading (and getting scared from) lately:

[Pic up top a gift from my mom – a mohawk skull that glows!!]

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