Bad Boy. Good Credit.

j. money fincon 2012

Morning, friends!

Getting into anything good this holiday weekend? Any juicy biz or financial things poppin’ off?

No luck w/ our Big Idea we pitched that company the other week, but FinCon is around the corner so we’ll see if we can snag any good ears with a hefty stockpile of cash that wants to be invested… It’ll be my first time back to the conference in three years too, so I’m excited to see everyone live and in person!

It’ll also be the first time away from my family for more than a minute, so will have to make sure I don’t get too carried away and revert to my old partying ways, lol…  Ya know, since Covid is still around and my forever disease is always looking to take me down. 🙃

My mom hates it that I’m about to hop on a plane and “risk it all”, but I feel like if I don’t I might as well just crawl back into my bed and wish for the days to pass again. Or maybe something a bit less dramatic, but either way I just need to leave the nest and live a little…

So, sorry Mom – I’m going! But I love you to pieces!

And if anyone else is going, make sure to snag me in the halls so we can catch up!! You can then report back to my mother that her good son is behaving (and lie if I’m not!).

Favorite articles and snippets from the community posted below… Not sure if I’ll get to next week’s newsletter due to the aforementioned festivities, but if not I’ll be sure to hit you upon my return.

Have a great weekend over there! Hope you can get into something thrilling too!

Your friend who’s risking it all,

j money signature

// Photo up top from FinCon 2012!

Posts on Budgets this week:

Life and Fines of the 1940s — Did you know that it was once illegal in our city to dance from 2am-8am during the week? Or you weren’t allowed to work on Sundays?! Check out what it was like to live in the 1940s as well as what happens if you dare mess with the law ;)

How Do You Deal With Financial Loss? — Here are 3 tricks I use to help myself get over financial pain and loss… It doesn’t take away the entire sting, but it does get me through!

PS: to get these in your inbox the day they come out, subscribe to the Budgets Are Sexy newsletter


Favorite reads from the community:

Why I’m Appreciating FI More Than Ever Now @ Mad Fientist — “I’m ridiculously pleased to tell you that there is now a Mad Fientist Jr. :) He arrived on July 14th and Jill and I are both over the moon! I don’t think I’ve ever appreciated what FI provides more than I do now.”

The Health Work Love Play Dashboard @ Brewing FIRE – “Here’s your homework assignment. Go fill out the Health Work Love Play Dashboard for your life as it currently stands. Then think about the improvements you can make right now, over the next few weeks, and long-term.”

Some Things I Like and Don’t Like About Student Loan Forgiveness @ A Wealth of Common Sense – “I don’t like rich old people complaining about young people getting handouts.  Rich old people have been getting tax cuts for decades. They’ve been getting handouts for years.  Give me a break.”

The #1 Best Way To Track Credit Card Rewards @ Route To Retire – “Although my spreadsheet is extremely useful, you still need to remember to go into it to stay on top of things. With Travel Freely, you get emails as needed along the way. This can ensure that you don’t miss bonus deadlines, annual fee alerts, or opportunities to really crush the travel rewards.”

17 Business Ideas Free for the Taking! @ Side Hustle Nation – “Today we’re giving away a bunch of business ideas, and to help me do it is Steve Chou. In this one, we go back and forth brainstorming some ideas that we think should exist in the world.  Here are 17 business ideas we came up with that you’re welcome to take for free and run with!”

A Workbook on the Kind of Bullsh*t You Need to Do When Someone You Love Dies @ ms-demeanor – “This is an eighteen page book that you can print out, download, share, and give away; it is meant to be used to collect information about funeral planning and account management after a death OR you can use it BEFORE you die and give people information so they’re not stuck playing Nancy F*cking Drew…”

Why You Should Never Retire @ Can I Retire Yet? – “I recently received an anonymous email from someone who identified themself as a 70+ year-old long-time blog reader who is well past the point of financial independence. I challenged him to explore what was behind some of his sentiments. In turn, he challenged some of my deeply held beliefs.”

PrepperFI 2022: Taking Control of Your Future Beyond Just Money @ Women’s Personal Finance – “There is an interesting subset of people in the financial independence movement, and I guess I’m one of them. I’m going to call them the financial independence PREPPERS. The folks endeavoring at PrepperFI.  You’ve heard of preppers. You’ve probably seen some tv shows. They probably seem a little cooky at times.”


News from the community:

Some interesting news that caught my eyes this week…


New Merch on PF Swagger!

bad girl good credit merch

It’s been a hot minute, but I’ve added up some new merch over at PF Swagger that I thought was dope. It comes from fellow blogger, Financial Common Cents, who provides “educational tools to assist individuals with practicing better financial habits, with a focus on budgeting, saving, debt management, and rebuilding and repairing your credit… using Financial Common Cents.” That’s her mission statement anyways. I much prefer her motto “Bad Girl, Good Credit” ;)

(This is the same person behind that credit score rap video we featured a couple of weeks ago too – full of spunk, that one!)


And that’s it for this week!

Cause some good trouble out there, but keep that credit on lock! 💪💪


*Link to book is an Amazon affiliate link


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