Freak In The Sheets
On a scale from 1-10, how bad do you want that mug? 😂 I don’t know where you can get it (someone Google!), but it went viral on The Twitter this week and of course had to pass it along to you… Spreadsheets Are Sexy .com!!!...
On a scale from 1-10, how bad do you want that mug? 😂 I don’t know where you can get it (someone Google!), but it went viral on The Twitter this week and of course had to pass it along to you… Spreadsheets Are Sexy .com!!!...
Good morning friends! When was the last time you did something truly BOLD? Like way outside your comfort zone but it needed to be done? This year? This month? This week? Can’t remember because it’s been so long?! I love this...
Gooooood morning, my beautiful, sassy, money hoarders!! I hope life has been treating you well this week!! I’ve stumbled across a brave new world of exercising over here, and while it’s still too new to see if it’ll...
Good morning!! Happy Halloween Weekend!! Y’all dressing up or hitting any wild parties??! I wish I could say I was, but unless you count chaperoning a thousand kids as they hit event after event after event all weekend as juicy, I...
Good morning! Your neighborhood friend and curator here ;) Got an exceptional collection of reads and new apps/courses on the scene for you to peruse today, and hopefully one of them was exactly what you were looking for! Either way,...