Introducing: All-Star Money ✨

I’m baaaaaaaaaaaaaack! :)

And guess what??

My new project finally launched!! ZOMG!!!

All-Star Money logo

Introducing All-Star Money: where we scan over 1,500 personal finance blogs a day and feature our Top 3 favorites on it – from budgeting to financial independence to investing to everyday decisions to best maximize your life, and your money.

It’s like 2017 all over again – just in prettier wrapping! :)

And if you want to get them as you’re having your coffee every morning, sign up to the daily newsletter! –>

(If you’re wondering what happened to “Soapbox,” we re-branded halfway through which is why we were so delayed in getting the project out. But it’s much cooler to be an All-Star, right?! :))

Here’s a screenshot of the site with today’s articles featured:

All-Star Money screenshot

Check it out and let me know what you think!! And if you’re a blogger, be sure to submit your best work over for us to review –>

It’s so surreal being back at this after so many years off… I remember launching Rockstar Finance back in the day and so many people either laughing at it or not even “getting” it. And 8 years later curation is not only still a “thing” but continues to prove how valuable it is for the community!

So needless to say, I’m delighted to be back :) Yes to have a project again to work on, but also just to be home with my family once more and spreading the inspiration. There’s SO MUCH good stuff from bloggers big and small out there that never gets seen! So what a privilege to be able to put them front and center to the world!

And gotta give credit to my partners at The Motley Fool too for believing in it and seeing the beauty. It’s one thing to like an idea, but a whole other to fully support it (and me!!) to make the mission happen. So thank you SO much, Fools!! And for doing all the boring stuff so I can concentrate on the fun parts!! ;)

So I’m back, and I’m ready to party!! Thanks to everyone who’s stuck around! :) I’ll try and be better about putting out these newsletters regularly…


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Happy holidays, everyone! 🎄 🎅

j. money and pal

Thank you for all your support this year!

Especially as I transitioned from blogging into semi-retirement/free-to-do-as-i-want-now-but-feels-so-weird-territory! One of the scariest moves I’ve ever made, but which went 10x smoother because of you all :)

And going forward, you’ll be hearing a LOT more from me as we head into 2021 and we (FINALLY!!!) launch our new curation project with The Fool! Among other fun – and philanthropic – things up my sleeves.

But until then, stay safe, stay happy, and of course keep staying on top of that $$$!!! Thanks for being such a big part of my world! :)


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PS: I’ve added up two more collections on PF Swagger: stickers and shirts from Playing With FIRE (check out the “My Other Vehicle is a 401(k)” shirt! Lol), and stickers, mugs, and shirts from Bitches Get Riches. Maybe there’s a perfect – nerdy – gift for someone there who shares your love of finance? ;)


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The Billionaire Who Wanted To Die Broke . . .

heart moon & stars

Morning everyone!

How’s life/love/money going over there?

A lot of people have asked when my next project is going live (curation site w/ The Motley Fool), and while it continues to change, I am happy to report that we should be back on track now and will have a solid date for you soon :) Turns out it’s a whole other world launching something with a company vs by yourself, haha, but we’re getting there! And just been laying low in the meantime and trying to be the best daddy/husband/home schooler I can be… A full-time job in itself ;)

I miss you guys though!! What have you been up to??! Hit reply and tell me all your juicy secrets!!

Here are some of my favorite reads from around the community lately… Be back again soon! XOXO,

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Favorite articles around the web:

The Billionaire Who Wanted To Die Broke… Is Now Officially Broke via Forbes – “It took decades, but Chuck Feeney, the former billionaire cofounder of retail giant Duty Free Shoppers has finally given all his money away to charity. He has nothing left now—and he couldn’t be happier.”

A Remembrance of Forrest Fenn via Medium — “I am the person who found Forrest’s famed treasure. The moment it happened was not the triumphant Hollywood ending some surely envisioned… This treasure hunt was the most frustrating experience of my life.”

The 30-Day Minimalism Game via The Minimalists — “Here’s how it works. Find a friend, family member, or coworker who’s willing to minimize their stuff with you next month. Each person gets rid of one thing on the first day of the month. Two things on the second. Three things on the third. So forth and so on… Whoever keeps it going the longest wins.”

Why I Don’t Own a Car via Medium — “When I daydream about buying a car, I imagine ways to reduce costs. I’ve considered working as a courier or an Uber driver as a side hustle. After doing some cost analysis; I’d have to spend almost a day a week working to pay for the car. I’d prefer to kick myself in the nuts.”

Loop (A new way to shop) — “Loop enables consumers to shop for brands in durable packaging that is reused until the end of its life, creating a circular system designed to put an end to disposable single-use packaging.”

The ‘Batman Effect’: How having an alter ego empowers you via BBC — “Thinking of yourself as a separate entity can reduce anxiety, while also kicking up some major benefits for your confidence and determination.”

Minnesota man shatters Guinness World Record with his 42′ mohawk hairdo via Pioneer Press — “I’m 6-foot-1-inch tall, and my mohawk is pushing 4 feet now. Doors aren’t over 7 feet tall, ceilings 9 feet, and cars are impossible to get into, so I’m limited to where and how I move around when I’m all done up…” (I concur with how hard it is to be in cars – even with wussy hawks like mine! ;))

Dwayne Johnson and Dany Garcia Partner Up as Acorns Investors, Families to Receive $7 Investment via — “There are so many people feeling as I did when I was struggling with just $7 bucks in my pocket; anxious and uncertain about my life and future,” says Johnson… “To me, $7 bucks represents a defining moment in my life, it represents possibility, hope and a new beginning.”

68 Bits of Unsolicited Advice via The Technium — “It’s my birthday. I’m 68. I feel like pulling up a rocking chair and dispensing advice to the young ‘uns. Here are 68 pithy bits of unsolicited advice which I offer as my birthday present to all of you.”


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You can do anything temporarily

meditation yoga pose

Hope you’re well (and sane) over there! We started back school this week and wow was it something, lol… Ironically the hardest part wasn’t the schooling itself (it’s 100% virtual), but the realization that my 2 year old now needs one-on-one attention since his older buddies are no longer around to play anymore! Which is v. hard to do when you’re teaching and working at the same time!

But as Morgan Housel shares in one of my favorite reads this week – there are many forms of wealth, and the simple fact we’re all at home together – and safe! – are two major blessings to work on focusing on…While also keeping in mind that it’s all just temporary. And you can do ANYTHING temporarily, right??! (RIGHT??)

So no big projects going on over here at the moment, but I did manage to still add a new apparel line to PF Swagger as well as a SUPER fun interview of one of my favorite movements out there, so those features, as well as a bunch of other great reads I came across this week, are pasted below.

Here’s to staying afloat!

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george acheampong muscles

Alternative Forms of Wealth via Collaborative Fund — “You’re wealthy if… You have a level of independence that goes beyond money. You can cook for yourself, do your own laundry, change a flat tire, and be alone without getting bored.”

Thoughts on Turning 70 by Arianna Huffington — “We all know what matters in life — so why do we wait to act on it”

Vending Machines For The Homeless (Video) via @RexChapman — “In the UK, these vending machines have water, fruit and other basic items for the homeless to use access for free.”

How My Grandfather Saved Money via Your Margin Matters — “At the end of each day, Grandpa would toss any loose bills or change into the can. When he had enough, he would seal the top of the can and hand the entire thing over to the land owner – purchasing one parcel at a time.”

GaryVee Is Still Preaching the Hustle Gospel in the Middle of a Pandemic via Marker — “His message is what so many desperate people want to hear right now. It’s also dangerous.”

Buying Coffee Is My New Charitable Cause via Impersonal Finances — “Paying for a daily coffee habit is a go-to spend shaming exercise for many a mainstream personal financier. But during the COVID-19 pandemic, I’ve viewed this budgeting item in a different light.”


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After a game of chess, the kings and pawns are all tossed into the same box.

sunset chess


What a proverb, right?! I don’t even play chess but a powerful reminder that no matter how rich or powerful – or not! – we are, we’re all in this thing together. Best to treat everyone with as much love and kindness as we can!

Here are some new things going on in my world, along with my favorite reads from the week…

Hope you’re well :)


#1. Added a new collection on PF Swagger

And admittedly it’s getting harder and harder to find more gems out there! I think I found it all! Haha… Anyone wanna take up a new hustle so I can keep MY hustle going?? ;) Or anyone know of someone or some biz I’ve completely missed?

Featured on the site this week: tees and sweatshirts from Bankroll Summit! A FREE one-day financial literacy conference helping college students across the southeast build better relationships with money, powered by Steven M. Hughes and Know Money Inc. The next conference is set for April 2nd, 2021, and 100% of the merch proceeds go directly to funding it 💪💪

bankroll merch

#2. Hopped on a new podcast this week: Budgets & Brews!

Had a fun chat with the hosts of Budgets & Brews this week – a fairly new podcast out there but a duo who are already great conversationalists! Here are some of the things we covered on the show:

  • How I got into finance
  • Budgeting & investing tips
  • All the ways you can make money blogging, and other opportunities it brings
  • Updates on what I’m working on now

budgets and brews podcast
You can listen to the show here: (since taken down…)

#3. Found a fun financial literacy quiz by FINRA

I got 5 out of 6 questions right – think you can beat me? :)

Take it here –>


And now my favorite reads from the week!

How I Lost $100 Million in 60 Days by Colin Heilbut — “Believe in your bat-shit crazy ideas. Start where no one else is looking, and do what no one else is doing. Put in the time, trust the process, and when the rules don’t suit you, break them. If you can do all that, and if you’re blessed with a healthy dose of good luck, you might find yourself building a global kitty litter empire.”

Actually Helpful Tips for Negotiating Salary via Four Pillar Finances — “#6. Never give a salary number first. If they insist that they need a number, say something like “I’m more concerned at the moment with talking to you about discovering whether we’re a mutual fit.””

You Can Get There From Here via Raptitude — “I was then, and am still, fascinated by the way in which two incompatible experiences are still connected by time. You could be sad and despairing on a Monday morning, and be laughing that afternoon. In a matter of hours, the awfulness – real as it was – has somehow evaporated and been replaced by an entirely different experience.”

Gilded: The Art of Healing via I Am — If you liked the Kintsugi concept we shared last week, you’re gonna enjoy this one too… It’s Kintsugi for HUMANS instead of pottery!

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*Hat tip to 5 AM Joel for introducing me to the chess proverb

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