coffee reading

5 New things I learned + Blogs for sale!

| August 14th, 2020

Hey guys! Here are a couple updates on stuff I’m working on, then a list of new (and interesting!) things I learned recently that are pretty cool :) Hope you find something helpful here! #1. I’m back to helping people buy and...

pile of rocks

Just let your pile of good things grow.

| August 7th, 2020

Morning! Got a few fun updates for you this week :) Y’all hanging in there??? ******* #1. I’m back on Instagram again! Which I still don’t get all the way, lol, but it’s been a fun way to engage with friends that...

pf swagger

My latest project! –> PF Swagger

| July 31st, 2020

Hey guys! Long time! So I accidentally started a new side project while awaiting my *real* project to start, lol… (the “curation” one w/ Motley Fool still in the works…) It’s called PF Swagger and it showcases...

orbiting earth

Choose Yourself

| May 15th, 2020

Morning! Hope you guys are well and safe and HEALTHY!! For those who missed it, I turned in my “1 month notice” of blogging last week, and in a short couple of weeks from today I will be officially retiring from the blog after...

hopeful skies

Choose Your Financial Vice

| May 1st, 2020

Morning, guys! So a BIG announcement coming Monday on the blog, but wanted to give you all the heads up here first for being one of my closest online friends :) And that’s that I’ll be starting to transition away from Budgets...