
You may be a money nerd, if…

| December 6th, 2019

Happy Friday! Here’s the best of Budgets Are Sexy lately, as well as other parts of the web that I couldn’t help but want to share with the world ;) If only people in our “real” lives appreciated this as much as we...

buddha statue

Remember when you wanted what you currently have?

| November 22nd, 2019

Happy Friday y’all! Here’s our latest roundup of gems from around the web, including some of my faves we’ve ran on Budgets Are Sexy recently… Lots of great articles and ideas here for your wallet’s enjoyment!...

dollar bill sunglasses

The Best and Worst Thing About Financial Independence

| October 25th, 2019

Happy Friday! Here are a bunch of great articles from around the web this week, including from yours truly ;) Although, I’m just realizing I haven’t done one of these in a while, so this will actually be the “Best...

fall leaves

The Wisdom of Life

| October 4th, 2019

Morning! Here are my favorite articles from the past couple of weeks – both from me, and others around the web… On a side note, I’ve started this thing where I’m trying to *experience* one new thing a day in my...

dancing skeletons

There’s never enough money to do things perfectly

| September 20th, 2019

Happy Friday! Here’s a smattering of articles I wrote this week, as well as a bunch of other great reads from around the web that may or may not be 10x as insightful ;) Anything new and juicy going on in your worlds lately? ********...