wine corks

The reason you can’t see your own greatness

| June 14th, 2019

Morning! Here are this week’s favorite finds and articles from around the web – starting with my own ;) Hope you find something good here! Articles on Budgets Are Sexy: The Gateway Drug to Extreme Savings Interesting stuff...

palm tree

The best time to be alive

| June 7th, 2019

Morning! Hope y’all’s month is off to a good start! Just packing up like a mad man over here and getting ready for our move at the end of the month… Always forget how much harder it is with kids ;) Still blogging my heart...

life scenery

Investing for Seven Generations

| May 31st, 2019

Happy last day of the month!! Hope you got everything done you wanted to, but if not – a fresh new one starts tomorrow! Keep going! :) Things we talked about on Budgets Are Sexy this week: Some interesting rules of thumb The parable...

shadow people

Better, Not Bigger

| May 24th, 2019

Morning! Here are some good nuggets for your perusal over the holiday weekend… Hope both you – and your wallet – are safe! :) Things we talked about on the blog this week: Survival Numbers Debt-free stories! New financial...

color brain

Your head is for having ideas, not holding them

| May 17th, 2019

Happy Friday!!! Here’s a bunch of fun stuff from around the ‘net this week, mixed with some of my own thoughts on money/life/retirement… Hope they help :) Stuff we covered on Budgets Are Sexy: Things that make your life...