Bringing Sexy Back to Your Greenbacks

dollar bill sunglasses

Good morning, everyone!

Is it going to be a blessed day today?? (ANSWER: YES!!!)

I don’t know how or why, but they say you gotta put good juju into the world so that’s what we’re going to do :)

Lots of fun posts for you today so you’ll have plenty of good reading material over the weekend! Including a HELL of a story of a once-popular blogger who left the scene after hitting FIRE 6 years ago (Living a FI), only to come back and just POUR IT ALL OUT on the wreck his life has been since… It’s gut wrenching… And a solid reminder that there’s more to FIRE than just the numbers!

If there’s only one post you click on today, make sure it’s that one. Then come back and check out the others below :)

In other news, we’re hiring again for another position over at All-Star Money! If you know any Tech Leads/Coders shoot them our way! And then lastly, if you enjoy me in your ears more so than type, here’s another (short) podcast I was recently on:

J. Money Brings Sexy Back to Your Greenbacks

motley fool answers

On it we covered:

  • The value of tracking net worth
  • What (doesn’t) happen when you become a millionaire
  • The state of the $$$ blog community
  • And my beloved Frankencaddy!! Who was an ACCIDENTal side hustler back in the day, almost paying herself off entirely due to so many insurance checks, lol… That’s her down below before she went out to the pasture, R.I.P…


(That’s a tail light there from a trailer to make her street legal šŸ˜‚)

Now to my favorite articles from the week:

The 2021 Early-Retirement Update via Living a FI — The once popular blogger comes back to tell a tale of FIRE after 6 years away, and it’s not the *good* kind! “I retired on a sort of ā€œlean-FIREā€ budget, confidently told the world Iā€™d be just fine, and five years or so later, Iā€™m a wreck, Iā€™d lost my partner, and I had to make sizable changes. I kept feeling that Iā€™d failed somehow. Like Iā€™d done something wrong ā€” I felt guilty.”

Reverse Wealth Transfer on Steroids via The Reformed Broker — “If you had invented Facebook, you would have invented Facebook. But you didnā€™t. So the hoodie isnā€™t going to work. Watch how people deal with you when your shirt is tucked in and your shoes are shined.”

Everyone is Using The 4% Rule Wrong via Financial Success MD — “Ever since this 4% rule was proposed, people have argued whether the “right” number is a little lower or higher than 4%. But nearly every time I see this rule used to reverse engineer the amount one needs to save for retirement, the calculation is done incorrectly.”

Stop Listening to Grandmaā€¦ and Everyone Else via Blogging Away Debt – “Life isnā€™t perfect and thatā€™s OK. For those who are in the same boat, I feel ya. Weā€™ll get through this. Power through. Stop trying to impress grandma (or whoever is the ā€˜grandmaā€™ in your life). Stay the course.”

My Problems with #StopAsianHate via A Lawyer and Her Money — “To me the movements are counterproductive and rife with stereotypes that Asian Americans have been fighting for decades, if not centuries.”

Bitcoin’s Dirty Secret via Wealthy Retirement — “There are 195 countries in the world. Mining Bitcoin already consumes more energy than 160 of them do separately. The Cambridge study shows that currently, Bitcoin mining consumes more energy in a year than entire countries like Switzerland and Argentina.”

A Lot of the Woo-Woo Probably Works via Raptitude – “Youā€™ve probably heard people say, ā€œIf alternative medicine worked, it wouldnā€™t be called alternative medicine, it would be called medicine.ā€ This is poor logic ā€” everything known to work was once not known to work… Thatā€™s a point the skeptical types sometimes miss: if it works, it works regardless of the state of the science on it. What the science does is help us waste less time on stuff that doesnā€™t work.”

And lastly, one VERY important PSA ;)

Krispy Kreme is giving away a free Original Glazed doughnut if you show them your COVID-19 vaccination card any day this year!!Ā  No purchase required! (Thanks, for the heads up MyMoneyBlog!)

Happy vaxxing šŸ©

j money signature

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A Financial Freedom Recipe šŸ’°



Hope your lives and wallets got a bit more full this week! It does feel like things are finally starting to get a little better in the world, doesn’t it?? Even if it’s slow and gradual? :)

A quick note before we get to the articles this week:

We’re hiring at All-Star Money! We’re looking for a part-time Community Manager to join the team, initially helping us out with content creation/distribution and engagement across our social channels and newsletters, and then secondarily helping with marketing campaign development and execution.

And in a perfect world, this person will come from the PF Community here we all enjoy and love so much :) So if you’re interested or know someone you think would make a good fit, please pass them our way to apply! Details can be found here:

Also – if you’re into podcasts – I recorded one recently with Andrew Stotz whose entire show is all around investing FAILS, lol… How brilliant is that???! And of course many of you will know what my biggest one was, which later went on to completely change my life – and money, friends, career, mindset, everything! Proving yet again how fails aren’t always the worst thing in the world :)

You can listen to the story here, as well as other things I’ve learned about money and life over the years. It’s fairly short at 33 mins:

Ep348: J. Money ā€“ Break Free From the Crowd to Make
Better Financial Decisions

investment fail podcast

Now to my favorite articles from the week!

Sports Cards Collection: How To Inventory, Appraise, and Sell To Make Money by OMG My Money – This is part I of a 4 part series where a new blogger friend of mine is going to share the process of liquidating a card collection from start to finish! In particularly, MY card collection from when I was a kid!! Which I’ve been trying to get rid of for years now, but both emotional attachment – and not knowing the best way to sell them? – kept blocking me along the way. As soon as I saw this finance blog which also writes about collecting I knew there was hope so I reached out and now here we are! My guestimation was that the entirety of it all was worth somewhere around $500, so we’ll see how close (or not) I was! :)

What I Learned From Collecting Basketball Cards via Budgets Are Sexy — Going through the above reminded me of a post I wrote a few years ago on my cards (WOW – 10 years ago actually!!!). “GIVE YOUR MONEY A PURPOSE! Whether itā€™s for debt, college, a new couch ā€“ it doesnā€™t matter. If you can get into the habit of making your money do the things you want it to do, rather than lumping it all together just for the sake of saving, I think youā€™d come to have a much better appreciation for it like I did.”

How the Bottom-Dollar Effect Can Help Curb Your Spending via Money Ning — “Basically, when we spend the last of our resources on a product, we end up feeling much less satisfied with it. Hereā€™s a breakdown of the bottom-dollar effect and how you can harness it to make better spending decisions…”

5 Lies About DIYing Weā€™re Seriously Sick of Hearing via Bitches Get Riches — “This project can be done in a weekend! ā€¦ A weekend on the Island of Mermaids, in Never-Never Land, where a single weekend lasts ten thousand years.”

Why You Need an Untouchable Day Every Week via Harvard Business Review — “Some days it can feel impossible to escape constant meetings and phone calls that get in the way of your personal productivity. Hereā€™s one method for getting back some of that precious time.”

Make Fewer Things Matter via The Finance Buff — “Making fewer things matter helps you zero in on things that really matter. It also helps you ward off FOMO and sales pitches. FOMO and sales pitches always try to grab your attention by saying youā€™re making a mistake.”

Why I Did My Own Death Cleaning at 39 via No Sidebar — “Death cleaning goes a step beyond decluttering in that once you decide the things that you want to keep, you provide guidance to your loved ones as to what to do with those items after you die.”

And lastly, a Financial Freedom Recipe by Penny Pinching Ninja ;)

  • 1 Pinch: Not having debt
  • 1/2 Dollop: Living below our means
  • 2 Dashes: Consistently investing the difference
  • Whisk all ingredients together and bake for 15 years.
  • **For best results, bake for life!

Happy baking! šŸ’°

j money signature

// Cupcakes up top by Amna Wasim from Pixabay
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Money = Stored Energy āš”

battery energyGood morning, friends!

Hope you had a fabulous week over there! It’s been quite eventful in the Money household the last couple of days getting surprise after surprise after surprise, and not all horrible ones! Haha…

First, Mrs. Money and I *both* got alerted that we could get the Covid vaxx out of nowhere when we assumed it wouldn’t happen until at *least* summer?! Then I get a note that a rare plot of land has opened up in the cemetery I want to be buried at (don’t laugh – everyone’s DYING to get in!!! šŸ˜‚), and then literally hours later we find out that a house in our dream community is coming on the market soon and we might be able to get a sneak peek before the chaos ensues…

(And wow has the chaos ensued in the real estate market here in Virginia!Ā  The last place we looked at had 8 offers come in within 48 hours, of which half of them got into bidding wars with each other AND were waiving home inspections and appraisals and even first born children! It’s no joke out there!! Lol…)

We’ll see how it all turns out, but as long as that Covid/Cemetery combo is a happy coincidence and NOT a premonition, I’ll be one happy dude ;)

But enough about me… Below are my favorite reads (and watches) from the week, and all of them give some dose of knowledge or entertainment or a little bit of both! My apologies in advance if you’re following All-Star Money and already seen half of these… I’ll continue to share non-$$$ articles in these newsletters as well, but now that I’m curating full-time there will probably be some overlap so I don’t burn myself out ;) They’ll always be stuff I love though, so hopefully you find them just as enjoyable!

Peace, love, and blessings ā˜®ļø šŸ’™šŸ™Œ

j money signature


Favorite reads this week:

Money is Stored Energy via Monevator — “I think of money as stored energy. You work, beg, borrow, steal, or otherwise obtain money. You put it aside ā€“ store it. Later you discharge the power and make something happen.”

7 Ways We Misprice Purchases via Data Driven Investor — “Think of the number zero before considering any purchase ā€” thatā€™s the amount you will spend if you opt not to make the purchase at all. Doing so will prime your brain not to overestimate prices.”

The Power of Low Expectations via Get Rich Slowly — “Just as you can increase your saving rate by improving income and/or lowering expenses, you can deliberately increase your happiness by improving your circumstances and/or lowering your expectations.”

Ergodicity: The Coolest Idea Youā€™ve Never Heard of via The Best Interest — “I have a 100-sided die. Iā€™ll roll the die and you pick a number. If it lands on any other number than your number, then you win $1000. But if it lands on your number, then Mike Tyson punches you in the face and takes your money.”

Why “Can I Afford It?” is a Terrible Filter via Becoming Minimalist — We often find ourselves debating a purchase because weā€™ve considered what benefit the purchase will bring into our lives. But rarely do we take the time to honestly evaluate what benefits might arise if we said no.

The Effect of “Mental Subtraction” by VIA Institute on Character — “How often do you take time to “smell the roses” in your life? This means thinking about all of the people, things and experiences that make you happy and feeling a sense of appreciation for how they impact you. Want to know a great way to do this? Imagine your life without it.”

I Tried to Get Rich Off Dogecoin and All I Got Was This Lousy Blog Post via Government Worker FI — “I donā€™t smoke, I donā€™t drink, and I donā€™t do drugs. Really, Iā€™m a boring person. But now and then I like to gamble a bit. ”

Favorite video this week:

Turkish Garbage Collectors Make a Library Out of Trash via YouTube — Shout out to J.D. Roth of Apex Money for finding this gem!! What a cool way to literally turn trash into treasure!! :)


// Pic up top by Augusto Ordonez via Pixabay
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You Exist; Therefore, Youā€™re Awesome.

awesome cat

G’afternoon friends!!

Hope you’re having a good start to the almost-weekend! :) Lots of great reads to share with you today, but before we get to those I just wanted to THANK YOU for all the kind words and encouragement this week. The launch of All-Star went off really well, and it’s been great to have something to be excited about again!

So thank you!! And if you missed it, you can learn more about the new site on this interview I just did with the other J from Budgets Are Sexy:

J. Money Is Alive!And He Launched a New Curation Site… All-Star Money!

We also cover:

  • How semi-retirement has been
  • Whether I miss blogging or not
  • The state of the personal finance blogosphere
  • My current net worth (!)
  • And a bunch of new habits I picked up in my ever persistent quest of self-improvement :) Like cutting down my coffee intake to only *one* cup a day! (Gasp!)

If you’ve missed me around these parts, I think you’ll enjoy it :) I tried to be as raw as possible…

In other news, I’ve added up some more collections to PF Swagger! My curation site of the best *merch* in personal finance, lol… (Are you sensing a theme yet??)

If you’re ever in the need for kick ass shirts or stickers that show off your love of finance, I hope you’ll check it out and support the small businesses in our community šŸ™ šŸ™

Here are some of the latest additions:

investing latina swag

FIRE swag

personal finance stickers

And those are all my updates! If anything new or exciting is going down in your world, hit reply as I’d love to hear about it!

In the meantime, below are my favorite reads I’ve come across lately, both financial and otherwise. Hopefully you find a gem or two that inspires you :)

Your online fiend forever,

j money signature


Favorite articles around the web:

The Joy of a Legacy Letter via Humble Dollar — “A couple of times a year, I reread Momā€™s legacy letter, written 14 years ago. Her wisdom and advice still speak to me today. How many times do you think I have revisited my motherā€™s legal will? Never.”

How I Get Paid to Drink Coffee! via Studenomics — “My goal in life is to get paid to drink coffee and I found a way to make this happen. I recently launched a coffee crawl as an official experience on the Airbnb platform. Tourists (and anyone in general) can sign up to do my coffee tour to drink coffee with me at unique shops in my community.”

Dear Daughter, Donā€™t be a Fruit Cup Girl via New Orleans Mom — “My mom wanted her three girls to be independent, confident, and definitely not reliant on good ā€˜ol Johnny to open our fruit cup. Fruit Cup Girl became an adjective in our house growing up. She would call us out for not stepping up to the plate. Helplessness was not allowed. The simple line, ā€œDonā€™t be a fruit cup girl,ā€ is what she would say.”

Souvenir Yourself via Medium — “This post is intended to advise those shopping for themselves while traveling and is comprised of examples that make me smile and remember a fun adventure or locale when I encounter them. They are all designed to fit any budget, and ultimately act as a form of sustainability. ”

And then lastly, and don’t ever forget it…

“You donā€™t need to do anything at all ā€“ not today, not next year, not in your lifetime ā€“ in order to have value as a human being. Youā€™re amazing and worthy simply because youā€™re here.” – Financial Superstar


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*Cat doodle up top by cundrastudio

Introducing: All-Star Money āœØ

I’m baaaaaaaaaaaaaack! :)

And guess what??

My new project finally launched!! ZOMG!!!

All-Star Money logo

Introducing All-Star Money: where we scan over 1,500 personal finance blogs a day and feature our Top 3 favorites on it – from budgeting to financial independence to investing to everyday decisions to best maximize your life, and your money.

It’s like 2017 all over again – just in prettier wrapping! :)

And if you want to get them as you’re having your coffee every morning, sign up to the daily newsletter! –>

(If you’re wondering what happened to “Soapbox,” we re-branded halfway through which is why we were so delayed in getting the project out. But it’s much cooler to be an All-Star, right?! :))

Here’s a screenshot of the site with today’s articles featured:

All-Star Money screenshot

Check it out and let me know what you think!! And if you’re a blogger, be sure to submit your best work over for us to review –>

It’s so surreal being back at this after so many years off… I remember launching Rockstar Finance back in the day and so many people either laughing at it or not even “getting” it. And 8 years later curation is not only still a “thing” but continues to prove how valuable it is for the community!

So needless to say, I’m delighted to be back :) Yes to have a project again to work on, but also just to be home with my family once more and spreading the inspiration. There’s SO MUCH good stuff from bloggers big and small out there that never gets seen! So what a privilege to be able to put them front and center to the world!

And gotta give credit to my partners at The Motley Fool too for believing in it and seeing the beauty. It’s one thing to like an idea, but a whole other to fully support it (and me!!) to make the mission happen. So thank you SO much, Fools!! And for doing all the boring stuff so I can concentrate on the fun parts!! ;)

So I’m back, and I’m ready to party!! Thanks to everyone who’s stuck around! :) I’ll try and be better about putting out these newsletters regularly…


j money signature

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