Just let your pile of good things grow.

pile of rocks


Got a few fun updates for you this week :)

Y’all hanging in there???


#1. I’m back on Instagram again!

Which I still don’t get all the way, lol, but it’s been a fun way to engage with friends that don’t live on Twitter 24/7 like I do, and also a nice break from reading WORDS all day!

Come say hi if you hang out there! –> @jmoneyyyyyy

(Shout out to Jessica E. Boyd for art-ifying my profile pic)

j. money profile pic

#2. I added up a new collection on PF Swagger:

An apparel line by “Melanin Money” who’s on a mission to help 100,000 people of color invest their first $1,000 in the stock market šŸ’ŖšŸ’Ŗ

melanin money merch

I’m finding out a lot of the merch in our space has an underlying (and often, overt!) mission, and at the end of the day it really isn’t about the clothes themselves but what they represent.

Learning A TON, and while I can’t rock all these shirts for obvious reasons, haha, I’ve been having a blast getting the word out and meeting new creators in the PF world :)

Next on the list: loading up Stefanie’s “Statement Cards” which again has that strong principle behind it! “Dedicated to celebrating womenā€™s ambitions and milestones beyond marriage and motherhood. ” A bit outside of our “apparel” scope here, but trying to keep the project flexible for now and see where it wants to go… And these cards def. have that swag!

About to start a One-on-One interview series too with the founders – so many interesting stories and backgrounds in our community!

And then something ALL y’all will probably find fun….

#3. I tried out a new money experiment!

Ever come across things you REALLY want, but they’re just too expensive for your frugal selves so you never end up pulling the trigger?

Well, after months of staring at something myself, I just couldn’t take it any longer and had to find a way TO GET IT. But without spending any of my own money :)

Came out with this random idea on Twitter and had some fascinating results!

twitter hustle

#1. I got THREE bites! I think people like helping others accomplish their goals, especially when it’s so *direct* like this.

#2. It mostly revolved around *consulting*. One person wanted to interview me for a webinar on money, another person wanted my thoughts on curation and whether there’s room for more sites in the PF space for it (there is! we need as much help as we can get getting the word out!), and then the third wanted my help coming up with a “top” blogger list to go along with an article she was writing…

#3. I spent a little over 3 hours on it all, and incidentally made $225 in the process. But here’s the interesting thing – my consulting rates typically come out to around $150/hour but RARELY do I have this much fun doing them! And certainly not at half the rate! Haha…

Which leads me to the biggest takeaway: #4. When your $$$ is earmarked for something important to you it’s a lot more motivating to shoot for. Which is why people like to label their savings account like “Vacation Fund” or “New House” or “Early Retirement”, etc, etc… And something I know deep down, yet still forget over time and fall back into the “just get more money!” strategy which is a much harder slog. I was more motivated in these three hours of work this week than any other tasks all Summer! Lol… And all for a book!


So that’s been my random week! :)

How about you?

Lots of chaos still out there, but also lots of things still in our control too.

I’m reminded of this quote 5AM Joel shared recently that I’ve tried to keep front and center:

“What if, instead of thinking about solving your whole life, you just think about adding additional good things. One at a time. Just let your pile of good things grow.” – Rainbow Rowell

Just let your pile of good things grow! YES!! And what’s so great about this is that it doesn’t allow you to cancel out any of your *bad* things too which our brains tend to want to do! It merely shifts your focus to all the POSITIVE things in your life to better keep you sane! Brilliant!

So good stuff to keep in mind as the year ticks on, and I hope each and everyone of you completely gets consumed with your own piles ;)

See ya back here again next week. God bless,

j money signature

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Favorite reads from around the web this week:

How to Splurge Without Guilt via A Lawyer And Her Money — “You only see others’ cheat days – not their everyday… Every year, I have one big $100 order at Sephora. Thatā€™s crazy money. And I think if someone had seen me do this (I mean I did it online, but letā€™s say I bought it in a store), one might think ā€œsheā€™s a spendthrift.ā€Ā  But you have no idea what the other 364 days of the year look like.Ā  I can spend whatever I like now during my year off because I spent my entire adult life living below my means.”

The Most Important Number in Personal Finance via Of Dollars and Data — “What is the most important number in personal finance? I used to think it was net worth, or possibly liquid net worth, but I have since come to the conclusion that these measures have some serious limitations… Let me present The Wealth Discipline Ratioā„¢”

The “Be Do Have” Paradigm by David Yarian — “Does the following statement sound familiar to you? “If only I could HAVE a certain thing (enough money, free time, resources, new car,etc.), I would DO a certain thing (travel, do more fun activities, buy the things I want, etc.) and then I would BE a certain way (peaceful, calm, happy, etc.).””

Are Parking Spaces Profitable Investments? via Joney Talks — “What is really interesting here is that those two parking spots bought in the same city each show different results: Garage 1 was less modern but in an area with fewer parking spots. It offered lower profitability at first but then I was surprised when the real estate agent told me he managed to sell it for 50K. Garage 2 was in a more modern facility but then many extra unforeseen costs came along and it was more difficult to sell than expected.”

My Dividend Employee, Steve via Time in The Market — “Steve works 250 business days and 8 hour days. He delivers income each month based on my holdings. He reinvests everything for me because Iā€™m in the growth stage right now, not in the withdrawal stage.”

A Roth IRA For Every Baby in America via A Wealth of Common Sense — “A lot of people are angry at the stock market right now as it continues to charge higher in the face of excruciating economic pain elsewhere. Instead of getting angry at stocks we should be doing our best to make sure more people are able to take part in the profits, cash flows and innovation produced by corporations. The stock market doesnā€™t care how unfair people think it is so we might as well figure out a way to help more people benefit from its growth.”


My latest project! ā€“> PF Swagger

pf swagger

Hey guys!

Long time!

So I accidentally started a new side project while awaiting my *real* project to start, lol… (the “curation” one w/ Motley Fool still in the works…)

It’s called PF Swagger and it showcases all the hottest apparel in our personal finance space :)

I started coming across a TON of great merch as I got back into curating again (been loving it, btw! So many fun NEW bloggers out there!!) and as part of my “support everyone more” goal I started buying t-shirts left and right and wanted a fun way to get them out in front of more people…

So PF Swagger was born, and hopefully you’ll help me spread the love and support them as well! All while LOOKING GOOD doing it!! ;)

šŸ‘‰šŸ‘‰ http://pfswagger.com/

In other news…

We’re all still hunkered down, but healthy! Don’t go out much but have managed to keep our sanity by playing a lot in our yard and going on 80 walks a day… I’ve also found a great way to release stress while making the kids happy at the same time – whipping out the hose and spraying them down with water! Haha… So cathartic, and they’re none the wiser for it ;)

Also – no regrets still on selling Budgets and moving on to other interesting (and apparently now, random) things! Particularly with how the year’s gone down and all the upheaval everywhere, ugh… It’s allowed me to do some pretty serious self-reflecting lately, and any time I need a break from it all I just head to Twitter and hang out with everyone :) Come say hi if we’re not connected there yet! (@BudgetsAreSexy <— might need to change that at some point, lol…)

As I mentioned the new curation site with Motley Fool still isn’t out yet, but the latest part I’m helping them with is creating *original videos* which I’m both scripting and staring in myself (eek!). And boy how different it is compared to writing blog posts! Y’all vloggers get a new found respect from me! Took me a few videos to get over my Imposter Syndrome and self-consciousness, but we’re rolling now and just need the site to go live so I CAN FINALLY SHARE THEM WITH YOU!! I cannot wait!

And that’s all the news in my world for now! How the hell have YOU been??

Sorry for being m.i.a. for awhile… Turns out after 12 years of writing almost every single day my brain just needed a break :) But sat down this morning SUPER excited to pick up the pen (keyboard?) and connect with everyone, so please do fill me in with what you’ve been up to! I hope you’re safe and healthy, above all!

Will write again soon,

j money signature

PS: Some good reads I’ve come across lately for anyone missing our weekly roundups:

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Choose Yourself

orbiting earth


Hope you guys are well and safe and HEALTHY!!

For those who missed it, I turned in my “1 month notice” of blogging last week, and in a short couple of weeks from today I will be officially retiring from the blog after 12 straight years – Eeek!

Super excited and nervous at the same time, but it finally feels “right” and I’m ready to now redirect all that energy into another $$$-related venture :) More on that as soon as it’s live (est. launch date, July 1st), but if you’re interested in seeing who I hand-picked to carry the torch over at Budgets Are Sexy, head on over to this post here: Who the heck is 5am Joel?

This newsletter here will continue going on as it always has, so anytime you ever want to reach out just hit “reply” and I will be here! Or hit me on Twitter where I hang out throughout much the day: @BudgetsAreSexy

Much love,

j money signature


Articles I enjoyed writing recently:

“Finding Money” — An illustrated story by my 7 y/o šŸ˜‚

Things I learned this weekā€¦ — There’s a subreddit for “The Financially Challenged”,Ā  you can buy a lot of random things from Japanese vending machines, haha…, theories on why people throw shoes up on telephone wires, what the Michelin Man’s real name is, and more…

Community Fund Update šŸ’™ Batch One of Giving! — We raised a total of $665 and helped 7 different families across the country + Guatemala! Way to go, guys!

The Best Stapler For Coin Collecting — Featured on my newly revived coin blog, CoinThrill.com! The answer to this question, btw, is the Max Flat-Clinch Stapler (Full Size) šŸ‘

Could you sell your house and all your possessions like Elon Musk? — Musk recently declared, “I am selling almost all physical possessions. Will own no house.” followed by, “Don’t need the cash. Devoting myself to Mars and Earth. Possessions just weigh you down.” Do you agree??


Articles I enjoyed from around the web:

Strive To Wake Up And Do Nothing via Retire Before Dad — “You may not be a manager at your job, but you are the CEO of your household and your finances. So how can you take this management philosophy and apply it to your life?”

Choose Yourself (TEDx Talk) by James Altucher — “If you donā€™t make the choices in your own life, then someone else is going to end up making them for you, and it wonā€™t be good.”

The Netherlands Pays People To Bike To Work via Huff Post — “Where just 1 percent of all journeys by U.S. residents are made by bicycle, Dutch residents make more than 25 percent of trips by bike ā€“ a higher proportion than any other country. Yet the government thinks too few citizens are cycling to work…”

And then lastly, a ditty I caught from @APurpleLifeBlog ;)

bank robbers meme


Pic up top of the Tesla Roadster orbiting Earth via Wikimedia Commons

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Choose Your Financial Vice

hopeful skies

Morning, guys!

So a BIG announcement coming Monday on the blog, but wanted to give you all the heads up here first for being one of my closest online friends :)

And that’s that I’ll be starting to transition away from Budgets Are Sexy come next week, with an official “retirement” date of June 1st as I move to a new project.

More info and details to come on Monday, but just wanted to make sure you read it here first, and to also let you know that I’ll still be around the community and having fun with ya’ll, it’ll just be at different online homes, as well as keeping this newsletter going here too…

One of the scariest things I’ll ever do as I’ve been blogging there for over *a fourth* of my life!!!, but as novelist Paulo Coelho once said, “If you think adventure is dangerous, try routine. It’s lethal!” And I think it’s finally time for me to move onto that next phase :)

Mad mad love to all y’all, and in the meantime here are the recent popular articles from the blog lately, as well as other fun gems I found around the web.

Talk to you soon!


Popular articles on the blog recently:

We finally did our Wills and Trust!! — Took us 10 years to complete, but at least now I can die in peace and not feel too bad about it!

A *FREE* Legacy Binder on the scene — Not the fanciest for prettiest, but it gets the job done AND is free! And unlike others out there, it’s fully customizable as it’s literally a Google Doc :)

Walden ā€“ The Video Game — Henry David Thoreau didn’t see this one coming, haha… But if you’ve always wanted to know what it’s like to live like him, now’s your chance.

Side Hustle #80: Pet Waste Removal (aka Pooper Scooper!) — A lucrative side hustle that is apparently “a thing!” Phil who runs CleanYards.co says you can make $60-$80/hr depending on how much you hustle…

An update on Iqbal – Remember our old friend who was suffering tremendously as a gay Muslim trying to navigate his life and finances?! Well three years later I’m proud to report he’s much happier and financially stable now!! Way to go, man!

“Friends Who Talk About Money” ā€“ A paid opportunity for an upcoming Podcast! — For those of you who’d actually like to GET PAID to talk about money all the time ;) And itā€™s #Quarantined approved too, as you can do it right from the comforts of your own home.


Favorite finds from around the web!

Choose Your Financial Vice via Mixed Up Money — “You need to give yourself the freedom to choose which parts of your variable expenses are most important to you… Financial vices are only vices if you donā€™t prepare for them.”

Rich People Doing Chores For First Time via NY Post — “I didnā€™t even know where to put the trash. Usually the garbage is collected by my staff and they put it somewhere.”

7 Valuable Pennies Worth up to $200,000 Might be in Your Pocket via CNBC —Ā  “Most pennies are worth 1 cent, but to coin collectors, some are worth more than their weight in gold. Earlier this year, an ordinary looking penny made headlines when it was found among the possessions of a man named Don Lutes. The 1943 bronze Lincoln cent attracted nearly 30 bids and sold for $204,000…”

The Greatest Rulers in History Were Frugal via We Want Guac — “Lincoln entered the White House with an estate of $15,000 (which is roughly $460k in todayā€™s dollars) and passed away with an estate worth $90,000 (which today would be $2.7 million). That means he saved $75,000 in his four years as President on a $25,000 salary. Which is a 75% savings rate. Which includes sending his kid to college and law school.”

Canā€™t Be No Sucka Wit Ya Money šŸ’° šŸ’Æ via Twitter —Ā  @Kyng_Kyren quizzes his 8 y/o son on all things finance and entrepreneurship – which he nails! (Thx for passing this over, Susan G.!)

Need to escape? These islands cost less than many L.A. homes via L.A. Times — “If youā€™re feeling cooped up during coronavirus restrictions, these private islands around the globe cost about the same, if not less, than a hefty number of Los Angeles homes. Donā€™t worry, they all come with houses.”

You can play Oregon Trail in your web browser now! via Internet Archive — Thanks for finding and sharing this, @mymoneyblog! The memories!!

oregon trail game gif


Watch out for that dysentery ;)

j money signature

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It’s okay to laugh.

relative importance in 2020


Happy whatever day it is today! ;)

I know it’s wild out there, but I hope you’re still doing your best to stay sane and healthy! We’ve done exactly 1 hour of school work this week and our walls are completely covered in marker, so it’s safe to say we won’t be getting any Parent of The Year awards any time soon, haha…

But we are still safe and healthy and all bunkered down together, and I hope more than anything that you guys are just as safe as well!

As always, if you ever need someone to talk to I’m only an email away, and in the meantime here are a bunch of stuff you might find helpful/entertaining to help you pass the time in a fun and productive way…

Keep hanging in there! We’re in this together!


Popular articles on the blog recently:

5 things I learned today… — Sponsored by: THE QUARANTINE. “When youā€™re stuck inside every day, you happen to learn things!” ;)

Fascinating jobs + salaries across the country! — Some of the more neater jobs from Parade’s annual “What People Earn” report. Most specifically – the vending machine hustler!

7 ways to (financially) feng shui your house — If you ever wanted to talk about toilets on this blog, todayā€™s your day!

Direct Primary Care (DPC) ā€“ A health insurance option worth looking into? — An idea to consider if you’re frustrated with all the health insurance options out there!

How I got scammed by p2b fraudsters ā€“ and how weā€™re fighting back — A warning about international peer to business lending platforms, specifically Kuetzal, Envestio, and more recently Monethera and Grupeer.

New book + giveaway: “The Money Tree” by Chris Guillebeau — “A compelling story with captivating characters to share its core insight: if youā€™re struggling with debt, thereā€™s a way outā€”without giving up your lattesā€¦”


Favorite finds from around the web!

FireDating.me — “The first and only dating website for FIRE people.” Hahaā€¦ And with over 500 users so far it seems to be doing well! ;) Sign up for it so I can live vicariously through you, please!! ;) (It’s FREE!)

Reddit.com/r/povertyfinance – “Financial advice, frugality tips, stories, opportunities, and general guidance for people who are struggling financially. No Judgement, just advice!ā€

Itā€™s Okay To Laugh via Accidental FIRE ā€” “Iā€™ve been blogging for about 2.5 years but have never had anything truly go viral, until now. My infographic post from April 3rd, titled “Relative Importance in 2020, So Far”, has made itā€™s way around the world in ways I could never have imagined.”

Welcome to Your Retirement Test Drive via Retire by 40 ā€” “I got bad news. Social distancing is your retirement test drive. This is life in retirement, on hard mode*. If you canā€™t deal with this, you are not ready for retirement. They arenā€™t exactly the same, but there are many similarities. Letā€™s go through some of them.”

Man cheers up his neighbors during lockdown by putting cringey dad joke placards in his front garden via Daily Mail — “The anonymous neighbor, who lives in LA, shares daily quarantine jokes to lift the spirits in his local area.”

5 Months To Retirement: Yes Iā€™m Still Quitting In September via A Purple Life — “As Iā€™ve said before, Iā€™m not afraid to be a ā€˜failedā€™ retiree. Even with all the planning in the world, any retirement can fail given the right mix of circumstancesā€¦ But I am afraid to let my life or the lives of my loved ones pass me by while I sit chained to a desk.”

And then lastly, this great idea from Fritz Gilbert on coming up with enough *fun* things to do when you do finally pull the retirement chord – or even anytime, really!

“My wife came up with an innovative idea, and weā€™re implementing it in this final year of my working career. Every week, each of us put a note (or two) in a jar we keep for the purpose. On the note is an activity that weā€™d like to do. Itā€™s typically a low-cost idea, and it can be close to home. For example, she may put in ā€œKayak down the Toccoa Riverā€œ, and I may put in ā€œHike on the Appalachian trailā€œ. Neither of us knows what the other is putting in. After we retire, weā€™ll pull one note per week from the jar, and do that activity in the next 7 days. This will give us 2+ years of weekly activities, with an even mix of things ā€œHe Wantsā€ and ā€œShe Wantsā€ to do.”


Hope you get into something fun this weekend :)

j money signature

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