Imagination Rainbow 🌈

beach kids

Good morning fam!

Hope you had a great week out there! We’re rounding out the last few days of our final beach trip this summer, and while there has been no surfing action this time around there has been some shopping action once my eyes locked onto a VANS outlet store, lol… You’ll have to scroll down to the pic of the week to see my latest find, but make sure your kids aren’t looking as they may get jealous 😂

Oh! I also did my first medical infusion for my autoimmune disease this week! Had to leave super early to drive a couple of hours to get there, but it all went smoothly and so far my body has received it well… 3 more to go over the next 6 months (at $20k pop – good thing for insurance!!) and then my treatment plan should be well on its way…. Never get Pemphigus Vulgaris if you can help it, OK? It’s a nasty little thing that sticks with you forever ;) But at least is manageable with modern meds!!

Hope you guys have a great weekend! Favorite articles (and now shoes) are posted below…

Keep on keeping on 🙏

j money signature

Posts on Budgets this week:

A Diamond Doesn’t Shine at The Bottom of a Cave — A great story on valuing your stuff (and yourself!) I stole from 5am Joel… And then experienced in real life!

From Debt to FIRE’d and Building Out a Dream Gym 🔥 — An old friend stops by the blog to share his story of overcoming debt and building out his dream gym! He cashed in EVERYTHING to do it! Ballsy!

*As a reminder, you can get these posts emailed to you as soon as they come out if you’re signed up to the Budgets Are Sexy newsletter


Favorite reads from the community:

Sell Slowly @ Of Dollars and Data – “If you compare these strategies over various time periods, you will see that Quarterly Withdrawals beat Beginning of Year Withdrawals anywhere from 62% to 100% of the time:”

Why More Money Won’t Lead to Financial Independence @ Darius Foroux – “I used to have goals like, “I’d like to earn a million bucks in a year!” But as I started to study Stoicism and Mindfulness, I learned to practice non-attachment to outcomes. I gave up on those types of goals. Let me tell you why.”

How I Borrowed Over $250,000 at 0% Interest @ Go Curry Cracker – “in the end, we amassed fourteen 0% APR cards with a total credit limit of just over $250K.  Also, in total the cards offered $2000 in signing bonuses with a small minimum spend.  And all but two of the new cards were “cash back” cards with various reward levels ranging from 1-5%.  It really felt like we’d been paid several thousand dollars in exchange for taking out a substantial loan at 0% interest!”

Why You’ll Probably Never Run Out Of Money @ Mr. Money Mustache – “To train away this fear in myself and others, I like to conduct a thought experiment. And that is to force yourself through the numbers (using a spreadsheet) of these two things…This can be a crazy thought experiment, but in many cases it will also reveal just how much of a ridiculously fortunate fortress you have built for yourself.”

Even Socialists Misunderstand Indexing @ The Big Picture – “Of all the endless Wall Street things to be legitimately angry about – excess fees, leverage, conflicts of interest, risk-taking, bailouts (and everything else to dislike about finance) – this has to be the single worst hot take by any politician on either side of the aisle.”

Adult Kids – Helping With a House Deposit @ Burning Desire for FIRE – “It’s funny – I began the trek of getting to financial independence for a lot of good reasons. But once I got there, the freedom to do all sorts of things I’d never thought of has been amazing. This is just one more.”

Financial Simplicity: What is Your Time Worth? @ Can I Retire Yet – “The value of my time depends on how I feel about the activity. If it’s something fun for me, like being outdoors or tinkering with computers I’ll “work” for $5/hour or less. (That’s another way of saying I’d spend an hour of my time to save $5.) If it’s something I tolerate, say certain house chores, my time might be worth $20-$50/hour.But if it’s something I truly loath like doing taxes, my time is worth $100/hour, or more.”


Community news:

Some interesting nuggets from around the community this week:


Clips from the community:

Some interesting clips that caught my eye while reading articles this week…

  • “How many items you should own has nothing to do with a certain number, it’s about whether the items you own fit into the lifestyle you want.” – Simple and Straightforward
  • “NYU found for every word of moral outrage added to a tweet, the retweet rate increases by twenty percent. Facebook posts focusing on social discord double likes and shares.” – A Teachable Moment
  • “In 1973, FedEx had just $5,000 left in the bank. Fred Smith pitched one of their investors, General Dynamics, for additional funding, but his appeal was rejected. FedEx wasn’t going to have enough cash to fuel their planes for another week, and the business would soon shut down. What does one do when they need to create thousands of dollars out of thin air? Take a trip to Sin City and roll the dice. Instead of flying home after his meeting with General Dynamics, Smith withdrew the company’s remaining cash and headed to Las Vegas for a night.  His game of choice?  Blackjack.  Fortune favors the bold, and Smith had a hot hand that night. 24 hours and $27,000 later, Fred wired all of the funds back to FedEx’s bank account, and they were able to keep the lights on for another week. After his Vegas detour, Smith successfully raised $11M in additional capital, and they turned profitable in 1976.” – Young Money
  • “Carver suggests using The Minimalists’ 20/20 Rule to stop holding on to possessions just in case. This rule suggests that if an item you’re on the fence about donating can be replaced for less than 20 dollars in less than 20 minutes, then let it go. Truth is, it’s highly unlikely you will miss it or need to replace it. But simply knowing that you can replace it alleviates the fears that might arise when letting it go.” – Rich In What Matters
  • “Often we relate to our tasks as things we “have to” do, as drudgery or chores or routine. What if we related to our tasks differently? Each email is a love note from a delightful person (yes, even spam!). Each task is a way to express ourselves, express our love. What if we brought play and wonder to every task?” – Zen Habits


Pic of the week!

spongebob vans shoes
[Vans Sk8-Hi x Spongebob Imagination Rainbow]


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Bartering, Banned Books, and Some Excellent Hate Mail

lets jog tattoo

Good morning!

I got a new piece of hate mail yesterday on my blog, and thought you’d enjoy hearing it:

“you probably smell like fart”

Lol… I’ve probably re-read it about 13 times now and DIE every time!! So random?! So stupid??! SO FUNNY!!! 😂😂

I can only hope they were doing it in jest, but either way it now resides in my HALL OF FAME HATE LIST, and is another reminder that if you want to accept the goods in life you have to accept the bads too. All apart of the game!

In more exciting news, my @BudgetsAreSexy Twitter account hit 50,000 followers this week!! So cool! I remember being forced on it over 14 years ago and swearing I’d never take it seriously (woops), but eventually it went on to become a surprisingly big part of my daily life and community over the years…

Not only do I still learn a ton logging on every day, but I’ve met some of my best friends there and it was a super helpful lifeline when I went into retirement the past couple of years… So yay for technology! And thanks to all those who chat with me there! :)

This week’s favorite articles and other tidbits from around the community are posted below 👍

Hope you find something good there!

j money signature


Posts on Budgets this week!

Bartering Is Alive and Well! — In which I find out a friend of mine gets free tattoos, design work, photography, and piano lessons – all through bartering! That pic up top is one of her newest tats. (This also reminds me of a similar concept we’ve talked about: “Gigs for Goals”)

Create Unexpected Joy 🤍 — In celebration of bringing back Giving Cards, we’re giving 5 readers a $20 card to go out and Do Good in their worlds to show it really doesn’t take much to make an impact in someone’s life… Sometimes we just need a little prompting 🙏🙏

*To get these posts emailed to you when they come out, sign up for the Budgets Are Sexy newsletter


Favorite reads from the community:

Cream and Sugar First @ Retire Before Dad – “Too often, our lives are like a bad cup of coffee — mostly filled with stuff that doesn’t taste good. Then we sprinkle some sugar and pour a little cream to celebrate the nights and weekends. Our budgets are like this too. Enjoyment spending happens last if there’s anything left ever. So how do we prioritize the good stuff over the bland?”

Lifestyles @ The Collaborative Fund – “Fifty-four years ago this month, The Sunday Times offered £5,000 to whoever could sail solo nonstop around the world the fastest. But it was two participants who never completed the race that generated the most news. One ended up dead, the other found himself happier than ever. Both outcomes came from decisions made at sea, but neither had anything to do with sailing.”

Seven Lessons From Two Years of Financial Freedom @ Clipping Chains – “The best gift of financial freedom is the enhanced opportunity to discover who we really are. Especially in the United States, where so much emphasis is put on hustle and busyness, we are left with precious few hours of quiet time for reflection. The greatest win for these last two years is mental clarity. I’ve learned a lot about motivations, strengths, and weaknesses.”

What It’s Like to Own Just 134 Items in the World @ Becoming Minimalist — “It was never my intention to live with so little. But back in 2020 my husband and I had the opportunity to sell our wine business, house and most of what we own in order to travel the world indefinitely, working online as we go. All I had room for was what would fit in my suitcase, plus a box or two to be stored in my family home.”

You Don’t Need Multiple Income Streams to Build Wealth @ Accidentally Retired – “Focusing on building up one truly kick ass income stream is going to pay dividends far beyond what you can do with multiple income streams. When you focus on being the best you can be in the career you have now, or at the business that you are working on growing, you will yield a far better outcome than someone who has too many balls in the air.”

Trying to Be More Present Isn’t Enough @ Raptitude – “A million years from now, when alien anthropologists begin gathering evidence about what humans were like, they will definitely want to dig up the Self-help and Spiritual/Religion sections of our bookstores and libraries. There they will find direct evidence of what we yearned for and struggled with.”

Property vs Shares: Ten Reasons Why Houses Are Often The Better Investment @ Monevator – “Another semi-psychological reason why property usually appears to be a good investment is because a house that is worth, say, 20% less than you paid for it still does its job as a house.  In reality it was a poorly timed investment – it slumped in value.  But we tend not to think of our homes that way.”

Lessons Learned from Talking Money Part 1, Remembering Asha @ All Options Considered — “Taking good care of yourself and prioritizing self-care every day doesn’t mean you love others any less. It means you deserve to be healthy in every way and you deserve to be mindful of your own needs. And if you’re anything like Asha it might help to know that self-care can also help you support the people you love.”


New book coming out!

taking stock book

“Taking Stock: A Hospice Doctor’s Advice on Financial Independence, Building Wealth, and Living a Regret-Free Life”

This one comes out early next month, and is by Dr. (and podcaster) Jordan Grumet – host of the award-winning Earn & Invest podcast which I was featured on recently.

Super chill and smart dude, and from what I hear this book is going to be one of the next big ones in the community similar to Morgan Housel’s Psychology of Money or JL Collins’ The Simple Path to Wealth. You’ll probably be hearing a lot more about it over the next few months!

Here’s a summary from Amazon (I haven’t read it yet):

Written by a hospice doctor with a unique front-row seat to the regrets of his dying patients, this book will remind you to take stock of life now, before it is too late. The goal of financial independence is to have the economic fuel to live a full life and avoid regret. Taking Stock is your guide to taking control of your finances and investing in yourself. Inside you’ll find:

  • The three basic archetypes of building wealth, and how to choose which is right for you
  • Time-hacking techniques to modify your perception of time passing and fill your moments with meaning
  • Tips to invest in education, family, and your own physical and mental health
  • And much more!

Don’t wait until the last moment to live life to the fullest!

You can learn more about it, or order it, here: “Taking Stock”

(Links to book are Amazon affiliate links)


Community News:

Some interesting news from around the community this week:


Clips from the community:

Some interesting clips that caught my eye while sifting through articles this week…

  • “I remember reading that the average lifespan of a cell in our bodies is roughly seven years, so that in seven years, we are wholly and entirely a new person.” – A Teachable Moment
  • “The study found that nuns were happier with their lives than the general population and, because of their higher happiness level, they typically lived longer. A related finding: Happy nuns lived longer than unhappy nuns.” –
  • “Political scientist Erica Chenoweth studied hundreds of violent and non-violent protests worldwide (323, to be exact) from 1900 to 2006.  She found that non-violent campaigns are twice as likely to achieve their goals as violent campaigns. Another thing she discovered was the phenomenon she named the “3.5% rule”.  In short, when at least 3.5% of a population is committed to a cause and participates actively, it is not only easier to achieve a serious nation (or global) change – success appears to be inevitable.  All the non-violent protests that succeeded achieved 3.5% participation during a peak event.” –
  • “It was nice to have an occasion to sport up a suit and ascot. For some time I was singlehandedly determined to bring back ascots and handjobs to their former glories but fear I failed on both counts.” –


Pic of the week!

i read banned books shirt


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Money buys happiness in the same way drugs bring pleasure…

killer money drugs

“Money buys happiness in the same way drugs bring pleasure: Incredible if done right, dangerous if used to mask a weakness, and disastrous when no amount is ever enough.”

That gem is courtesy of Morgan Housel – one of my favorite writers/thinkers in the space :) Tweeted it earlier this week and it went semi-viral getting over 150 shares and 1,000 likes (!!!). More than anything I ever wrote myself, lol…

Funny what ends up taking off and what doesn’t ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

But how true right?! Money can help you up to a certain point in life, but ultimately it’s up to YOU and HOW YOU USE IT that matters the most. Plenty of miserable people without money, and plenty of miserable people with money! (And happy people with or without money too – that’s true freedom if you ask me)

At any rate, another week down in life!! Hope you’re faring well on this beautiful Friday morning!! I’m back from the beach but still dreaming about it and waiting for the next one to hit, which fortunately is only one week away :)

We decided to splurge this year and go to *both* family reunion beach weeks – one with my family and one with my wife’s – and they just happened to be within weeks of each other so it’s been a whirlwind of change after being stuck at home for almost a year straight.

Very much looking forward to it, and especially if I can sneak in some more surfing expeditions!! Not sure how the waves compare at Rehoboth Beach (Delaware) vs where we were at OBX, but we’ll soon find out! Scrambling to find a used board now I can pick up off Craigslist or Offer Up in time for it so I don’t have to mess around with renting one…

In the meantime, we continue to marinate on financial and life hacks so we can afford such luxuries every now and then! Money is made for living and not the other way around!

Favorite posts are listed below, and as always feel free to hit “reply” anytime and say hello 👍

Yours in finance,

j money signature


Posts on Budgets this week!

“Money lets me show up” — Some deep thoughts that came out of a convo about how to improve your life once you’ve “made it” with your finances… One of my favorite articles I’ve written lately, that includes a story on how I gave away my favorite skateboard last month (!!)

“I’ve Made $40,000 going after illegal robocallers.” (Side Hustle #84) — Our Side Hustle Series continues!! And this one is a WHOPPER… Gratifying on so many fronts depending on your level of hatred of robocalls, haha… Requires a bit more legwork and patience, similar to our past hustles on being a Forensic Accountant or Patent Researcher, but all very doable and lucrative for the right type of person.

[Btw – if you prefer to get these posts emailed to you as soon as they come out (Mondays and Thursdays), you can sign up to the Budgets Are Sexy newsletter here. That’ll get you them faster than waiting until Friday each week here, but all good either way!]


Favorite reads from the community:

The Broker Who Saved America @ The Reformed Broker  – “You know Hancock and Washington and Franklin and Jefferson. You might even know Greene and Knox, Henry and Hale. And we know you know Hamilton… But it is very unlikely that you know the name Haym Solomon. This is unfortunate, because he’s the guy who arranged financing to keep the Continental Army alive during its darkest days, finding the money to keep the revolution going when many were ready to throw in the towel.”

From Burnt Out Landlord To Real Estate Investor: How I Sold My Portfolio And Invested In Mobile Homes [$120K/Year] @ Starter Story – “ I buy and sell mobile homes for cash flow to create passive income so I can do the kinds of things I want to do, and not have to do. I buy these homes for cash and offer them to end buyers who pay me in payments over some time to pay off the homes in the future. Essentially, I am buying time with each deal that I do and the cash flow I receive.”

A Timeshare Presentation Survival Guide: Getting to “No” @ Physician on FIRE — “If you find it difficult to say “no” to these nice people who’ve spent an hour or two getting to know you and your travel habits, please stay away. However, If you’ve got ample time, find marketing tactics intriguing, and can get something worth a couple hundred bucks or more, then they’re probably worth checking out.”

The Near-Zero Benefit from Timing the Market @ The Best Interest – “Today’s article explains why timing the market barely affects your future portfolio, is really hard to execute, and makes your life demonstrably worse along the way.”

Crafting the Life You REALLY Want with Early Retirement @ Accidentally Retired – “At the crux of it, the FIRE movement is not about becoming Financially Independent or Retiring Early…it is about living the life you want to live. And that is also why you see so many early retirees blogging, running real estate business, launching a startup, or even…wait for it…working. It was never, ever, ever about retiring early.”

In Defense of Dollar Cost Averaging @ Of Dollars and Data – “When there is blood in the streets, how do you keep yourself calm? When you see your portfolio decline by 20, 30, 40% and beyond, where do you run to? God? A friend? A family member?  I run to historical evidence. I rely on history.”

Money Bought Me Time @ One Frugal Girl – “While my dad was sick, I never had to weigh the importance of a job against my desire to be with him. When my kids were small, I didn’t have to choose between them and a career I needed to pay my bills.  The greatest gift of financial freedom is the time it gives us. I am so grateful for the time it gave me this last year to be with my dad!”


“Explore Money Journalling Session” (July 17, 2022)


Here’s a fun idea by my good friend Cait Flanders!! A “90-minute guided journalling session” where you individually explore your relationship with money + consumption while in the virtual company of others.

“The idea is simply to take some time for yourself, and go through prompts that might help you see where you’re at/how you feel about your money so far this year. (Whether we like it or not, our emotions are what prompt many of the financial decisions we make… so it’s important to look at this.) This isn’t a workshop. I won’t be sharing any budgeting tips or worksheets or anything like that this time. And you don’t need to prepare anything. This is journalling. Time to reflect, dream, and think about how you might be more intentional in the second half of this year.”

It goes down Sunday, July 17, 2022 at 8:30am PT/11:30am ET/4:30pm UK, and you pay whatever you’re comfortable with for it.


Clips from the community:

A few clips that caught my eye while sifting through articles this week…

“There’s no student loan for your retirement.” – A Teachable Moment


“Whenever I see an author I like on Twitter, I make sure to ask the library to add their books to our collection. Support authors!”


“Some stock pickers think that the price of copper predicts the economy.  They call it “Dr. Copper” because they say copper has a PhD in Economics.” – Win Harrington


Pic of the week!

i like big budgets shirt

Christy Wilson rocking a Budgets shirt like the beautiful nerd she is 🔥🔥

Pick one up of your own and then snap a pic so we can make you famous next!

Budgets Are Sexy Merch


// Killer pic up top by Colin Davis on Unsplash
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Surfing, Sea Monsters, and (Legal) Money Laundering

morning coffee obx
Good morning from the beach!

We’re in OBX for the week (Outer Banks, NC), and I don’t know how it does it but the sun rises so much more beautiful here than from my backyard at home. 😂

We’ve been having a blast so far, and I even took up SURFING out of nowhere?!!! Some of my extended family brought their boards, and after peppering them with a million questions about how similar or not it is to skateboarding and if they think I’d be good at it, they told me to just take one out for a spin and find out for myself! So I did!

And unsurprisingly, I AM NOW OBSESSED, haha… It’s just as exhilarating/challenging as skating, except when you fall it’s actually FUN ;) And I even stood up on my first try and rode the *entire* wave, going in and out of the rip curl thing and even brushing the side of it with my hands like they do in movies before proudly jumping off at the end…

Which I have yet to reproduce ever since (!!), but now that I have tasted the good stuff there’s no turning back, lol…  One more life experience to add under my belt too which I’m loving best of all. (And none of which would have been even possible just two months ago when I was deathly sick in bed!)

first time surfing

[The board that de-virginized me! ]

We’ve also been having fun playing in the sand dunes here, visiting the skate parks (4 total within 10 miles of each other!) spending way too much at surf shops, and visiting cool little aquariums with all kinds of sea creatures showing off their stuff…

Check out these nasty little nettles!! And these precious sea horses!

nasty nettles

precious sea horses

Highly recommend if you’re ever in the area: North Carolina Aquarium on Roanoke Island

And if you happen to be around over the next two days, give a shout and maybe we can meet up in real life? Bonus points if you bring your board so I can have another excuse to go out and practice ;)

In the meantime, lots of great reading material down below so sit back, grab a coffee, and get ready to expand your mind (and your wallet!).

Happy 4th 🥳🇺🇸

j money signature


Posts on Budgets this week!

Always have a back up plan for stuff you buy! — This has helped me IMMENSELY over the past couple of years, both financially but even more so *mentally*… Every time I buy something (shoes, clothes, books, etc) I have a plan for it if it doesn’t turn out to be exactly what I wanted and goes right out the door STAT… (This is also my first “real” blog post since coming back and I’m pretty proud of it, even if it didn’t take off, lol…)

A Bunch of Great $$$ Resources ✨ — Here’s a list of great resources in our space including FIRE meetups, curation sites, articles around #VanLife, and then recommended accounting software biz owners in the community are using. (I personally need to find a new one of my own after Go Daddy announced shutting down the one I was using – eek!)

(I’m trying out a 2x/week schedule and seeing how that goes… It feels like I’m a slacker compared to my 5x/week days, but it’s also keeping me nice and calm so trying to remember that’s more important 😂 We’ll see if it keeps ups!)


Favorite reads from the community:

Legal Money Laundering @ Go Curry Cracker – “Cash flow is king in retirement. A little legal money laundering helps keep the cash flowing smoothly, allowing you to spend retirement account dividends before age 59.5, contribute to retirement accounts even when you have minimal cash, and contribute more than you earn to retirement accounts. As a bonus, these efforts will shift the portfolio in a way that helps to minimize future taxes.”

How to Say “No” When It Matters Most (or “Why I’m Taking a Long ‘Startup Vacation'”) @ Tim Ferriss – “Are you doing what you’re uniquely capable of, what you feel placed here on Earth to do? Can you be replaced?”

How to Start a Roadside Produce Stand: $1000 a Weekend Flipping Peaches @ Side Hustle Nation – “Nothing puts a smile on a consumer’s face quicker than a good peach. And it turns out, flipping produce can be quite the profitable side hustle! ($3000 in one weekend from one stand before we recorded.) Shannon has been doing this for 10 years and has scaled up to 100 roadside stands…”

Why I Emptied Out My Crypto Exchange Accounts (Including Stablecoins) @ My Money Blog – “If you have assets at a crypto exchange earning interest, that means they have lent your assets out. This means you are the unsecured creditor of a risky start-up business.”

Return to Real Life (Minimalist Challenges Part 10) @ Maximum Gratitude, Minimal Stuff – “Each of the following three experiments is meant to be conducted over a 24-hour period.  They will challenge habits that have become widespread in our culture within the past 60 to 70 years.”

Don’t Let The Awful Treasury Direct Website Stop You From Buying Series I Bonds @ Impersonal Finance – “With inflation raging and volatility in the stock market persisting, you better believe I jumped at the chance to join in on the newest personal finance craze: Bonds, baby, bonds! With rates of nearly 10%, Series I Bonds make a lot of sense for Millennial investors”

But I Don’t Want to Be Frugal @ Clipping Chains – “If you are new to this game, I recommend you find the bottom. See what it feels like to cut back to bare bones, because you’ll know how lean you can get when necessary. But then find a life you enjoy, and make the financial frame fit the picture. Get a coffee, but not every day. Enjoy the occasional meal out, but learn to cook your own food too. Find joy in simplicity.”

We Regret to Inform You That Your Choice of Deathday Is No Longer Available @ – “My fear of death has never been about how much time I have left, but how I choose to spend it. After a lifetime of working hard, my father retired because of cancer, and died battling it. My mother spent the remainder of her time depressed. We don’t get to choose our ends, but we can choose what comes before it.”


Sites That Have Streaming RSS Feeds

If you liked our “Feeds” page we had back in the Rockstar Finance days where it listed every single blog post being published in the community in *real* time, you’ll like this list of sites below I put together for a friend…

It’s basically like the opposite of curation – “Here’s everything being published in the $$$ world – YOU figure out what looks good or not!” Lol…


apex money logo

In more exciting curation news: I’ll be joining the team of curators over at Apex Money starting next week helping them to find and share more great articles in the space :)

It’s in partnership with the Plutus Foundation and the plan is to promote more bloggers’ content alongside the great main street articles that Apex is already sharing around the community… Should be a fun new way to spread eyeballs around our space! Keep your eyes open for it! –>


Clips From Around The Community:

Lastly, here’s a bunch of clips that caught my eye while sifting through articles this week… Some pretty powerful one-liners.

“Money buys happiness in the same way drugs bring pleasure: Incredible if done right, dangerous if used to mask a weakness, and disastrous when no amount is ever enough.” – Collaborative Fund


“We need to get away from the internet sometimes. It’s open 24/7/365, and we’re not.” –  Maximum Gratitude, Minimal Stuff


“I have started to implement “date days” with our kids to spend time with each of them individually.” – Accidentally Retired

full house muah kiss



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A message from the universe.

pink sunset
Good morning!

I have a message from The Universe to supply to you today – you’re very lucky ;)

Courtesy of and reader Greg Pohl who forwarded this to me:

What good does it do knowing approximately where the treasure lies, yet never digging? Having a bank account with millions in it, but never writing a check? Or discovering the fountain of youth, but never drinking a drop?

You must live the truths you discover, break your old rules, defy logic, be the change. Dig, write the check, and drink eternally, one little step after another.

There’s no other way,

– The Universe


If you’ve been waiting for a sign, this is it!! Get out there and start digging!! :)

And perhaps today’s articles I rounded up below will help you with that…


But first, some important news from yours truly:

#1. I watched Top Gun!! And it was just as good as the entire universe has been saying 😂 (The Universe knows, I’m telling you!!)

#2. I tried barrel-aged coffee this week and hoo-boy did it have a kick! What is barrel-aged coffee? “Barrel aged coffee is coffee that has been aged in retired liquor barrels like whiskey, bourbon, and rum barrels. The coffee beans are aged in the barrels for up to a few weeks at a time, slowly developing more flavor.”

#3. I’m not allowed anymore to make fun of people who use real money to buy fake money in video games… After spending $10 on Robux and Minecoins for my boys….

face palm gif

Alright, recent posts I wrote, and other favorites from around the web, are featured below…

Hope they help! And don’t forget to take action afterwards! Knowledge is useless if you don’t do anything about it!!

Your pal in The Universe,

j money signature


Posts on Budgets this week:

16 Good (and Bad!) Changes Since My “Retirement” — If you’re interested in what I’ve been up to over the past few years, this will catch you up! Includes: my new dog, my new office, my new cream of wheat obsession (!), my new cemetery plot, my VANs fanboying, and the selling of my old basketball card collection. Plus some not so good stuff…

Ridiculous videos I made about money! (And some fun Q&As) — Featuring all the videos I created the past two years while experimenting with YouTube! Includes skits on the 3 budgets you need to have, an investment tip that could get you half a million dollars, how to lead a more intentional life, the power of writing your own obituary, and finding your “Ikigai.”


Favorite reads from the community:

Why I Don’t ’Have A FI Number Anymore @ Financial Panther – “We don’t have to wait around to hit the magic FI number before we go do the things we want to do. Instead, we can figure out what we want now and create a life that lets us do that.”

The Personal Finances of The Simpsons @ Lazy Man and Money — “Recently, NPR had a podcast about The Simpsons and how their finances stack up today. It seems that their critique caught the writers attention. They decided to address the Simpsons’ personal finances in the last episode of the latest season, Poorhouse Rock. There’s a tremendous song in it about how the economy has changed since when the Simpsons first went on the air.”

How to Avoid Early Retirement Failure @ Jillian Johnsrud — “Whatever you do, don’t just keep your head down and push through at work, allowing it to overrun your life in order to get to FI faster. Instead, focus on what you want your FI lifestyle to be and slowly start giving that more of your time and energy.”

Keep It Going @ The Collaborative Fund – “Carl Richards once made the point that a house might be the best investment most people ever make. It’s not that housing provides great returns – it does not. It’s not even the leverage. It’s that people are more likely to buy a house and sit on it without interruption for years or decades than any other asset. It’s the one asset people give compounding a fighting chance to work.”

Inbox Pause? How About an Inbox Reset? @ Cal Newport – “Several readers have recently pointed me toward a productivity tool called Inbox Pause, which allows you to prevent messages from arriving in your email inbox for a set amount of time. You could, of course, simply decide not to check your inbox for this period, but as every knowledge worker who has ever used email has learned, it can be very, very difficult.”

Which is Safer: Rental Houses or Stock Investments? (a Case Study) @ Mr. Money Mustache – “At the root of his question is the core of what it means to “Retire”.  According to my own definition, you don’t have to stop working. But you do have to build up a level of freedom and wealth such that the work you do is entirely by choice, rather than something you grit your teeth and crank through just because you need or want the money.  After all, the real purpose of work is to create something that is meaningful to you. Why would you ever want to quit that?”


Events in the community!

sunflowers sunlight

The July 2022 Uber Frugal Month Challenge! [FREE] via Frugalwoods – “While the name implies this Challenge is only about saving money, it is not. It’s about a holistic restructuring and examination of our relationship with one of the most divisive, fear-inducing, anxiety-provoking, divorce-causing, emotional things in our lives: OUR MONEY. Saving money is great, but until we understand our money–and our reactions to it–we can’t make lasting changes to facilitate a healthy, long-term relationship.

The Uber Frugal Month is a chance to spend quality time with your money and understand it in a guilt-free environment devoid of financial jargon and shaming. I invite you to join me this month for an accessible, easy-to-understand journey to financial health. Plus, it’s free so there’s nothing to lose!”

Starts July 1st | FREE | More info: Uber Frugal Month Challenge


plutus impact summit

Plutus Impact Summit [FREE] via The Plutus Foundation — “For two afternoons, the Plutus Foundation will give you the ideas and tools you need to build your community and build your business. This is the virtual event of the year just for financial content creators — bloggers, podcasters, authors, speakers, and anyone else who talks about money online or offline.

Each day, hear from our headline speakers as well as panelists that will cover topics from building lucrative relationships with brands to implementing self-care practices that improve your bottom line. At the same time, all will help you grow your audience, followers, and community. These are the discussions you wish you had when you started.”

July 22-23 | Virtual | FREE | More info: Plutus Impact Summit


Other community news:


til next time - gif


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